Future Is Bright: Phase 3 - Studio Beta

PointLights look like they have a “border” around them. Will this be fixed?


Quick question @vrtblox

Is sun disabling planned for an update?

Sorry if im going too off-topic

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I’ve started to work with this more, and i don’t think it’s workable with VR mode Roblox…

My place is barely complex. with only a few lights. and yet… i’m getting sub 40 FPS… which is very no-go for VR games… (less than 5000 parts+mesh parts. 95% of meshparts are so few triangles they can’t be optimized)

If staff want to reach out for a copy of the game map so they can diagnose why my performance is so bad, feel free to DM me.


It looks really smoth and realistic. Really cool for a showcase.

I have a question.

Future shadow type can increase lag?

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Yes, every graphical update would cause more lag no matter what just depends how much it causes. And also there’s a post right above your’s talking about the lag on VR.

Do you know why there is more lag using VR than playing with keyboard and mouse instead?

not sure what you mean. but you can (and could) disable sun (and sun shadows) by setting its intensity to 0


really love this lighting!


Awesome man.

I like it so much it’s so detailed.
Is that part of your project or just for fun?

Like blender, when you remove the light, you remove/disable the light of the sun

Impressive, looks really scary indeed

do pointlights in FiB have an issue with SurfaceAppearance? Its acting like a spotlight


both are in beta, of course they have issues.

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Hey, is it planned to improve how light “renders” when the camera moves?
In that video, it looks a bit choppy, there arent any smooth transitions when the camera moves in front of the light. It does look really good, but I’d say that choppiness is still visible.


Those are sun rays, they aren’t from the new lighting system. I do hope it gets fixed though.


That’s unrelated to the ShadowMap lighting engine, however, if the SunRaysEffect instance is ever improved its likely it will be done along side the introduction of volumetric lighting. Assuming volumetric lighting is even planned.


Pretty sure he was referring to this: https://gyazo.com/56214e3b139c24bf510faa69dd82aaca (if not then this is another thing that’s an issue with rendering while moving the camera)


that, too actually.
But mostly yeah, I meant both those points (including SunRaysEffect). The light is inaccurate and tends to look weird in some places.

Obviously this is all in beta and all, and as such I’d be glad to contribute by letting the engineers test their light on my game if need be :slightly_smiling_face:


You can already test it in your game by enabling it via the Beta Features setting.


Isn’t that just for studio though?

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