Game Archiving Release

Hey Developers,

Today we released one of the most highly requested features, Game Archiving. You are now able to login and archive your games straight from the Studio Start Page.

Additionally, you can now unarchive your games from a new tab on the Studio Start Page, called Archive. From here you will be able to see all of your Archived Games and Restore them.

As we move forward in 2019, you will find that a common theme is enabling Developers to work more efficiently in the Cloud. This will allow you to clean up your games and focus on the projects that matter most.

More about that Archiving…

  • When you archive a Game it makes it Private. This means that your game will not be found in Game Search.
  • If your game isn’t already set to Private, we will confirm that you want to make this change. Upon archiving a game, your game will be made Private and all running instances will be shut down.
  • When you unarchive a game, the game will remain Private until you change it to Public in Game Settings.

Shout out to @robDR and @iriszh for making this feature happen!

Let us know your feedback or comments below.


While archived games can’t be found in the game search, can they still be seen in a developer’s inventory?

Great update and so glad I can finally archive the 200 random “games” I have :stuck_out_tongue:


This feature is amazing.


Wow! This update is amazing! Now I can archive places that I don’t want to use anymore! Thank you so much!


Now I can archive all 295 of my inactive games :joy:


Looking forward to this. I’m hoping that developers won’t lose functionality in this transition, specifically with respect to individual places within a game such as the ability to shutdown servers or configure images/descriptions for places, but also for features like toggling the chat mode of your game, which has become needlessly obfuscated behind api.


This is a great solution to dodge the controversial deleting option and go for a save and effective hiding option for people with lots of unused games in their inventories.


And you gave it those epic animations? You guys really went above and beyond!


This sticks around for a pretty unusual amount of time, stays on top of all open windows, and I can’t seem to dismiss it lol.
Otherwise, blessed be the engineers who worked on this.


Since day one of development I’ve wanted this feature. Thank you!!! :heart_eyes:


I can’t archive a game that has no start place. Upon noticing this, I tried to add a start place but I’m confused on how to do so. I tried publishing a place over the game, publishing game as whole, but it still didn’t work.


Good to see this. I’ve recently been doing a lot of proof-of-concept mini-projects, I can now hide the visible stockpile of places that have only been touched once or twice (and will never be used again). Thankful that this is finally a thing - well done.


I have the same issue with 2 of my old places, I can’t open it or add anything so I’m not sure how to fix this problem.


Time to go archive 100+ of my junk published places/games.

Anyways, good update as usual. This will improve everyone’s workflow and make their life much more easier and organized.


I was curious about this too, so I tested it with one of my alt accounts. Unfortunately it seems like archiving a game does not remove it from your inventory…

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Yeah, following up on this it should remove a place from your places tab on your inventory as if you didn’t want anybody to see that build when you first started. but again this was a highly requested feature and once again you brought the dream alive! :heart:


I remember hearing something about archiving. Actually seeing it come to life truly has me shocked. I’ve been waiting for a feature like this for such a long time and have been adverse to using my profile as a development outlet due to the absolute excess of places I have.

I’m hoping that such a feature will also make its way for unused assets (i.e. models).

Christmas has long passed, but the gifts are very much welcome. :tada:


Thank you so much for this! I had no clue what to do with some of my old games, and now I do! This feature will really come in handy.


Time to archive my 1500+ places that are completely empty. :smiley:


This is a fantastic update. It keeps stuff organized and easier to find places you want to work on. :slight_smile: