Game Archiving Release

Finally, a better way than to name my projects “[REDACTED]” or “[DELETED]”!


Agreed, it’s more efficient just like roblox messages.


Is it intentional that we can’t archive empty games?

I have so many of these useless empty games.


I’ve been wanting this for a long time now and it’s finally here. Thank you soooo much. I have a suggestion to maybe make it so you are able to archive places straight from the website instead of studio? I use the website more than the studio start page


Is it possible this will ever extend to other assets? I personally hate it when I upload something that turns out to be flawed or overall just outdated. It’d really organize it and make it so we can still keep data.


I think that this feature really doesn’t change anything about games web-related, other than setting them to private. From what I’m seeing, it looks like this archiving tool is mainly moving the games in between the games and archived games pages in Studio. Would be nice to have an archive tool on the website for consistency, but I don’t think it’ll add too much. :v:

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What a great solution, this really helps clean and reorganize my studio developments. Thank you!

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Found a pretty annoying bug with this new feature. Basically, the games tab only sometimes loads all of your games.


How it should look:

You can fix it from the bugged state to the desired state by spam clicking through some of the tabs, but it’s not convenient.


Somewhat annoyed by what @cloakedyoshi mentioned.

Games without a start place cannot be archived and I can’t find a way to set one. Clicking on them also opens to nothingness.


Let’s make a feature where you can fill in new places in empty game slots. That totally sucks when you find those little grid things filled with nothing.

How about that?

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Thank you so much, was just a mess before, i even had to go trough to rename old places “UNNAMED” as i always got confused!

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Great idea!
Definitely going to use this feature. :grin:

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Will we be able to delete archive after X amount of time now or in the future? Archiving is a great step towards this and keeping our projects and places clean but I would like the ability to delete places.

At the moment that makes me rather uncomfortable? I know studio got semi-recently moved to online only - and one thing I’d hate to be dependant on is the cloud and from personal work experience entirely depending on the cloud is a very interesting - if not some-what “risky” move.

I’m hoping in the future we still have the ability to work on local files as always and not entirely relying on the cloud. I still feel it a shame I need to have internet to work in studio when If I’m scripting a simple item with no access to API’s like DataStores/Marketplace (which would require internet) or simply smashing some blocks together to make something simple. Granted if you already have studio open (and you’re not in a cloud edit session) you can loose internet and still be able to use studio. I’d still like the ability to develop freely wherever I am, without restriction.


While I feel that deleting games entirely would help me be a lot more organized (since I don’t use the games page in Studio ever), I would hope there would be a grace period to bring a game back. Imagine someone getting into your account and deleting a game with millions of visits.


It’d be nice to see this with all asset types but this is a really good start!

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This is downright amazing! I’ve been waiting for something like this to actually be a thing. Bye bye games I never use that for some reason are in my inventory. :joy:

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Thank you! Now we just need a solution to these paperweights



Finally! This is one of the features that i’ve wanted for a long time. Finally i can put all my “Test” places elsewhere and see the projects i want to work on. Pretty much every developer has a place that makes us cringe when we look at it because it is so bad!

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I would have hoped that the whole system would have changed. There are a lot of other options that could have been included as I explained in the post below.

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Yay this will help me in so may ways! :partying_face:

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