Game Feedback: What Do You Think?

New Project (13)

Hello! I’m AstraMiny.

This post relates to my previous post! I have taken the feedback regarding that post and improved my game.

Previous Post: Game Feedback: How should I Improve? - Help and Feedback / Creations Feedback - Developer Forum | Roblox

I’ve continued to develop my game, fixing alot of bug’s and adding features that should have been added a long time ago. The game is still incomplete, but I would love some feedback before I continue developing.


Game Icon

Game is designed for 8+ Player’s but due to testing you can still play it solo.
Game Link: Discarded - Roblox

Please give me as much feedback, critiques and nit-pick’s you have I appreciate all of it!

Why ,this topic is the same!

I’ve made several advancements in my game after this post was made. I should of included screenshots in my newest post to show it.