Game Feedback: What do you think?

New Project (13)

Hello I’m AstraMiny!

I’m currently developing a survival horror game called “Discarded”, and I would love some feedback on the game.

This forum post relates to two different post’s regarding the game.

First Post: Game Feedback: How should I Improve? - Help and Feedback / Creations Feedback - Developer Forum | Roblox
Second Post: Game Feedback: What Do You Think? - Help and Feedback / Creations Feedback - Developer Forum | Roblox

This is currently my third post regarding my game.


I usually make a new post regarding my game when it reaches a certain level of development. Such as a new level.

(The game is close to finishing but a ending has not yet been developed.)

Here is the Game Link: Discarded - Roblox

Thanks for Reading!


Hey, I think there’s something wrong with your game. It won’t let you play it. Each time I try it just says I’m in the “deadzone”. I dunno why this is happening but maybe it’s because I’m playing by myself?

I really like the aesthetic you’re going for, however, could you please explain to me what it’s about?
Everything is disarrayed and I’m not sure why.

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Hey, I got your review saying your playing, Sorry about that I was just recently adjusting a part of the game so I had to “break” the game.

But that is now fixed, and you should be able to play it normally now.

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Okay, I got up to I believe the one where someone is chosen to be powerful so “Power Trip” and died because I was playing solo (of course).

I think that this is a great rough draft! I mean the game functions as intended but I feel like some aspects of the game could be tweaked. I think the first game, clocktower, is okay but I feel like it would be way too hard to do on mobile. Maybe make it easier?

I also think you should add parkour mechanics like sprinting, crouching, wall jumping, dash, etc. Definitely think of adding more sound effects mainly to “FIRE” speaker guy (add like sans voice lol).

Overall, the building could be better, but the game itself reminded me very very very much of alice in the borderland. I will be trying this with my friends, and I’ll give a better review tomorrow. Great work! :+1:

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Hey thanks’ for the feedback I really appreciate it.

I will defiantly change things around specially making things easier for mobile as I tried it out myself and it was pretty hard and tedious.

I like the idea of adding some parkour mechanics such as crouching and sprinting they both would work well for “Monster Maze” which you weren’t able to reach due to needing more than one person.

The sound effect’s for the TV Speaker will be added but I’ll want to focus on the other bit’s of feedback beforehand.

Once again thanks for the feedback! I will change the game around to better fit your feedback soon.

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Hi again! I just played with my friends, and we got glitched on the maze part. We made it to the room with the fire and the butler guy, Jimmy. We didn’t know what to do after that, so we left. Any help?

I see a lot of good effort in this game. Design is heavy on graphics that’s a bit jumping on my Mac.

I think the clock tower is not as easy as you might think (as the designer). Maybe do not limit the time here? Player need to go back to the lobby and wait for the new game. Why punish the player for playing?

ye i failed on that part too, that stage will 100% kill the average session time and will also give dislikes i think, people will just quit

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My review:

Honestly, this is a great game. Fire (:fire:) graphics, cool idea of gameplay (unfortunately I’ve played solo, I couldn’t pass through the Power Trip). But I’ve encountered performance issues, constant lag spikes due the overused fire effects around the main lobby.


  1. The Clockwork timer should stop if all of the players reached the top (it was boring having to wait the 100 seconds)

  2. For some reason, the “fire” resets everytime there’s a new text (not sure if its intentional)

  3. Constant camera shakes and the “TV Static” effect on the screen might make some players dizzy. (make it optional)

  4. Grammar errors and typos

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Hey you have made it the current “end” of the game. I just have not finished that part of the game which is why they isn’t much to do.

Regarding the bug’s they seem to appear when someone die’s but shouldn’t affect anybody actually playing the game. But the bug will be fixed regardless!

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Thank’s for the feedback!

You are right about the graphic’s toll on player’s computers / mobiles. I have an idea on how to fix that.

And the clocktower will defiantly have some change’s to be easier and an increase of time.

Thank you for the feedback they will be change’s to better improve performance and the Clocktower.

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Thank you for feedback and screenshot’s and video’s :pray:

The clocktower timer will be changed to stop once all player’s have reached the end.

The “Fire” text resetting was defiantly a bug I didn’t realize would happen after playing with the whole chat system. (But it will be fixed today)

I’ll make the TV static effects, and camera shake optional as I agree it get’s pretty annoying after a bit.

And thank you for the screenshot’s regarding the grammar error’s which I will fix

SIDENOTE: (just edited this because I might of found of the reason’s due to the performance issues.
I’ve realised one of my script’s which continually run’s throughout the game kept repeating the same print statement on the server which from my experience causes lag the more it stacks up.)

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