As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to properly organise, manage and track multiple different used and unused game files. The develop page offers no way of re-organising games, be it folders, sorting, etc.
My request is a Shadow and Delete feature.
In the games options page, you can press a ‘Delete’ button to delete the game. Example include if was an old prototype, unneeded game slot, or an embarrassing place file you made in 2011 and are too lazy to change it.
The game will be ‘shadowed’ for 30 days. This means that the game will not show up on the games page or group games page, and on the develop page, the game will be greyed out, with ‘Pending Deletion’ written beside it in red. The game will then be closed and VIP server costs temporarily frozen.
You can easily go back to the games options page and click revert, to cancel the deletion process, and the game will revert back to being ‘unshadowed’ instantly. Much like Twitter deactivation, it offers ample time to recover your account if you made a wrong move, got hacked, etc.
If 30 days pass, then the game will be deleted. VIP servers will be removed, the game will be removed from the develop page and group page.
Shadowing basically means that the game will be removed from the games page, game search, group games, etc. It acts like what Roblox uses to shadow games.
It feels necessary to have this option, and I’d love to hear your reviews. Let me know if you have any other things I should add.