Game Quest Challenge 2021 - Rules & Guidelines

Yes, I do also think it is time.

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If your in EST then it will be at 2 pm I think.

No, I am pst, and it was supposed to be announced 15 minutes ago.

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Check here:

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You sure because it’s not 2 pm for yet and I searched up 11pm PST to EST.

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I wish to have a better way of communicating with other people participating in the Game Quest Challenge so I hope it was okay to create a Discord for it as I don’t believe it already exists. Feel free to join, it would be lovely to meet the people I am competing against! Code: ZXa8vENw

Hi, I hope this isn’t too late but can someone clarify if I can still join a new team or create a team? Thanks in advance.

I’m so happy that Roblox is doing these game quests/game jams, this helps improve our experience!

Do we post our questions about the challenges here, or a separate thread?

Do I have to do all of the mini challenges? Or can I do just two/one?

You need to do at least 2 to do the main challenge

Crucial Question:
Since the Game Jam Mini-Challenge submissions must be via .RBXM files, will ROBLOX be able to play the animations in-game? I ask this question because using other user’s animations in-game will not work.

I’ve dmed the DevEngagementTeam about this but haven’t received a response


Can we use SurfaceAppearance materials?

Ok, thanks. This gives me a little bit of time to get a team organized.

Are baseplates, like the medieval baseplate allowed?

for the first challenge, they make it sound like just the weapon itself. why have three people if thats a 1 person job? so are we supposed to make a game around the weapon , (like I assumed before) or leave the job to the only modeler on our team?

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It’s not only a weapon, you’re supposed to make an entire game, an adventure, revolving around the idea of there being a hero and a legendary weapon that needs to be forged.

that’s what i thought. but how can we do that if it has to be through RBXM?

Oh ;-; you right, idk tbh, I thought we were making an entire game. They should explain it better, this is very confusing.

I believe the mini challenges are just .rbxm files, and the main challenge is an actual game (which is the reason there is a longer time for it)

then why have three people? literally defeats the whole purpose of having three people…