Gamepass Purchases not showing up on "My Transactions" page

Still experiencing this issue, I am noticing some sales starting to show up from last night, but serious issues still persisiting.

It seems some show and some don’t. Some sales appear much later in the day.


I dont think they lost, same thing happened too me. But it appeared late but didnt lose im happy i hope no one loses their robux :heart:


Yep, same thing is happening for us on Watermelon GO!

I can confirm that the Robux in our pending are still going up at what seems to be the correct rate, but can’t confirm that they are accurate.


Having the same problem. Just finished a commission and the customer bought it. Saw the sales of the shirt go up from +50 to +51… yet there is no outgoing on robux on their end nor incoming robux in my group sales. Hoping this is seen soon.

Update: Woke up the next day and I can now see the robux in pending, so by my guess it takes 4-8 hours to show up.


This issue has happened before in the past and it was confirmed that no robux will be lost, just extremely delayed transactions.

Currently facing the same issue too, where it shows an unusually low amount of robux sales for the day but randomly updates (even though it was the past day?)


It’s not appearing at all for some


I was doing Test Purchases this morning for my new group and the issue is still persisting. It works if buying a VIP server as I tested this on another group and it worked totally fine (ie, the Robux is now pending)

Edit: This also worked in the original group I intended to give robux to so this a repeatable solution for the time being. Sounds like we might just be waiting for a bug fix.


I’ve just experienced this a while ago. I came here looking for people who have the same issue.


Same problem is happening for me, every transaction (clothes, gamepasses etc.) is just not showing up in transactions or Pending Robux.

I hope this get fixed soon!


This is still an occurring issue.


I am losing pending robux for days now


It’s nothing short of a bad look on Roblox considering how they’ve left this thread open for 9 days with no response, as the issue has progressively worsened. The 2 staff members I pinged have been online but have seemingly just ignored the thread entirely, which is not uncommon at all from Roblox! :smile:

Even if there’s no fix in place a simple “We’re looking into it” would be wonderful, but nope


Quite a consequential issue on many fields, hopefully this is fixed soon. Currently experiencing this myself as well.


This has been happening to me quite a few times over the past month at a much lower rate, with an hour or two of sales data just getting ignored at a time, so this issue has existed for a while now.

Over this past week though, the analytics have become completely unusable and are now only showing maybe 1/4 of my sales.

My pending Robux seems to have also been jumping around quite a lot, so I have no idea how much I am actually earning right now.


+1 happening in my game as well, had a little heart attack when I noticed the hourly revenue suddenly drop by almost 2/3. Started happening just 2 days ago.


I’m experiencing a similar issue with transactions not showing up on the “My Transactions” page. I purchased something on June 7th, but it didn’t show up in my transactions that day. Only today, on June 11th, do I see that the purchase has been logged. Today, I bought something else, and it’s not showing up in my transactions either.

I still expect it will appear eventually, but it’s incredibly frustrating that these transactions don’t show up immediately. I can’t understand why Roblox hasn’t addressed this problem yet. It makes it hard to keep track of purchases and creates a lot of uncertainty.



I’ve noticed this issue since late May where purchasing items deducts Robux without giving the purchased item, and there’s no transaction log. Typically, this resolves itself within 5-60 minutes, but it can affect developer sales, as seen above.

This is just a suspicion, but if you’re experiencing this issue actively, try requesting the problematic item using the inventory is-owned API. For me, this resolved the issue immediately, maybe this action forces roblox to internally update it?

Regardless, Roblox should eventually fix it. I’d be more cautious with large purchases and make sure to reassure players who may feel scammed because their purchases didn’t immediately show up that it will resolve itself eventually.

Signing Off,

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Hey all,

We recently encountered a delay in reporting transactions which now has been resolved, some missing records are still being processed and might still take some time to show up in reports. That said, the issue only affect the reports of Purchases. Robux credits/debits all happened in the originally expected time.

We apologize for any inconvenience this issue may have caused and appreciate your patience during this time.



Thanks a lot for the reassurance and long-awaited resolution. Appreciated :slightly_smiling_face:


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