Group store doesn't show new clothing items put on sale

There is currently a bug within roblox groups where newly uploaded clothes are not listed for sale under the Group Store tab. This is a bug that I have been able to reproduce in multiple groups I’ve has clothes uploaded to within the past 48 hours.


  1. Create a new shirt or pants in a group.
  2. List the clothing piece for sale.
  3. Check the Group Store tab in the group that you uploaded the clothes to and it will not be listed for sale.


  • Normally you used to have to wait 2-3 of minutes for roblox to update and list the clothes in the group store, but now after 48 hours the clothing pieces are still not listed.


  • This group does not show any clothing pieces for sale, yet this shirt is uploaded to that group and on sale.


Credit to @sirsharku who found this bug.


This is also happening for me. One of the shirts I uploaded isn’t showing onto the group store, even though it’s uploaded and for sale.


Group Store

Group Creations | Develop Tab

I have a solution though, but it is not that good as it seems.

SOLUTION: Create a clothing store game


While this may provide groups with a secondary way to sell clothing pieces, it does not provide a fix to the bug within the group-store tab. The point is to have group clothes visible directly on the group page without having to create a game.


I am experiencing the same problem. I have uploaded and put up for sale 3 shirts but only 2 of them are listed in the Group Store tab. It took 3 days for them to appear though. My guess is that it’s a random bug.

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I have experienced and found solution until this problem gets fixed. When you upload the shirt, you put it on sale and everything. After you put it on sale, change anything in the description, (just add 1 letter/character or delete one). Then it should show up! :]


Nice workaround, would still be nice for the feature to work as intended, however.


I can confirm after having tested this multiple times that yes it works but as @vmena said the feature isn’t working as intended where it should immediately put the item on sale without you having to update the clothing description.


Hey, I remember the same issue occurring for us last year within this post: Clothing that's on sale is invisible in group

Would recommend for those of concern (other than @OP) to provide links towards their relevant affected groups and missing items in order to better help the engineers identify the issues as mentioned by @BitwiseAndrea. :cactus:

Together, we can make Roblox engineers’ lives easier!! (when they get back from their spring break of course.)!/store

Only two out of five pieces of on-sale clothing display for my group, the missing pieces are displayed/linked below.

Best of luck!


Thank you for the log. We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Thank you for this,
I have been experiencing this problem, my clothing wouldn’t show up
in the group store but this was a quick fix.

I’ve been experiencing this problem aswell. It’s been about a week and a half since i put a shirt on my group and it still wont show up.

Hi :wave: Thank you for the report. We are looking into this.


It has been awhile and just now I am noticing mine show up

This happened to me as well, I simply changed the description to “shirt” if it was a shirt, and “pants” if they were pants. Hope this helps!

Hello again! Sorry for the delay - we have a fix out and this should not happen to any new items.

For existing items, please update the name or description (feel free to change it back to what it is currently afterwards) so it’s reindexed in our search system - it might take a few minutes to show up, but this should make your clothing items show up in search again. Thank you for your patience with the matter :pray:


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