Groups Now in Creator Hub, With New Roles and More! [Beta]

So I’m a bit curious if anyone could help me understand: it seems that Legacy Roles are intended to be removed when the Creator Hub provides equal or better features, and it’s great for hiding permissions granted to certain users as well. Though it mentions these are targeted for Creators - as in, now, or this is the long term of new role management?

Any insight as to what’ll happen when Legacy Roles are phased out in terms of group management? Mainly in the sense that right now you know how roles will be ordered and how people will be displayed in a group. Would there be options to toggle role visibility and then a user would be displayed as their highest-hoisted visible role in the members drop down similar to Discord/Guilded?

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The reason we need multiple owners is to establish a trust mechanism for situations where we want to collaborate with strangers. Currently there is always the question of who is group owner, because they ultimately have the access to remove the co-owner and just take/steal the entire project.
I’m not following how a co-owner rank would help unless the owner would not have access to remove the co-owner?
The idea that has long been floated on the forums is to have a co-owner system where the most high level access things (eg editing payouts or removing roles) would require the approval of both owners. This means we no longer have to trust any particular person and two strangers can then collaborate safely with no risk of one party cutting the other out.

I’ve been having a problem that I can’t grant my group’s game badges to users even though the script is correct, can it have something to do with these new functions? I created two threads talking about it and opened a support but it didn’t help at all.

Will we be able to use these features on roblox website?

This mans solution should be fixed by transferring his personal game to his group. You guys are releasing that feature soon I hear

I like this update; it modernizes the process by putting everything in one place while adding new permissions.

However, it appears that legacy role names aren’t fully compatible with the new system. Is there a reason the name limit is 32 characters, or is it arbitrary? If it’s the latter, can you increase it?

Also, is it planned to let us give roles/access to other groups? I have a tester group and a staff group. The staff group owns a private game. I would like to give the tester group play access to the staff group’s game without letting the testers join the staff group.

that would be nice… they need to make it so the “Spend Group Funds” also applies to payouts… my main group is owned by my old account which i lost email for and roblox basically told me to go to hell when I asked for help… but my new acc is co-owner with spending perms yet still cannot payout… BIG L. over 145000 robux just sitting there for 1+ years cause of a roblox error.

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Will you guys add Guilded integration to these new roles (aka making Guilded roles linked with Creator Hub roles)?
It could actually be useful since Guilded can be used for easily manage the development of games. (Aka Guilded has tools such like To Do List channels, Documents channels and more that can benefit developers, artists, testers and more groups of people)

The badges you are trying to award must be attached to the same game you are awarding it in, I believe. So, you can’t give badges from another game. If you are doing this correctly though, could you reply with a screenshot of the code which is giving the badge please?

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Hello well, if possible look and see directly from my post about the case, here is the link:

Love it! So many features I’ve been longing for!! I cannot wait for revenue access permissions and individual experience roles! Such good changes for groups. Im glad to see such an outdated thing as groups being revamped so well.

In this situation it should be required that you have an authenticator app or security key attached to your account. Another good way to prevent issues from this is to add a limit you can deposit to any group per day (lets say 5000 robux)

Could we have game specific payouts? Often I find I work with different teams for different projects, but all managed under the same group. The issue is % payouts pay developers from all games, not just the ones they worked on.

So the suggestion really is perhaps when selecting a % payout, a further option to select what revenue streams this % will be from?

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There isnt much to do with the Group Roles there are so many Toggles for Creator Hub but there isnt alot like there is for Groups though i agree with you there

apparently the new features will be in the creator hub, on the normal roblox site they’ll continue to be the same for now.

So changing group name is free now?

it isnt free.
because you have to pay 100 robux if you do it with dash board.

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Hey! We launched this feature just last week :slight_smile: Manage Group revenue in Creator Hub and split profit per experience [Beta]

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Just came across this! Absolutely amazing feature, been waiting forever! Thank you so much.

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@peraldon Hey! Wanted to ask if there were any plans for a simple “View group funds” permission. Developers of some groups I work in like using the pending Robux figure to measure how the profitability of a game changes over time with certain updates. Yes, Creator Hub analytics are available for this, but they’re always a day behind and it’s unintuitive for when you want a quick gauge of how well a group’s doing in terms of revenue.

Right now, the “Spend group funds” permission is the only one that gives you access to view them, too, but this comes with the caveat of those with the permission having access to drain all of the groups’ funds on badges, ads, etc. This is a security risk and holds me back from giving devs this permission just to be able to see the funds summary.

I doubt this would be difficult to implement either, and would really appreciate it. My apologies if this has already been mentioned in this thread, I haven’t had a chance to read through all the messages here :+1:

Edit: Probably should’ve asked this in this other thread: