Groups Now in Creator Hub, With New Roles and More! [Beta]

Will the new “Spend group funds” permission allow role members to do payouts?


Pretty sure it doesn’t. I’ve tried to do that more times than I’d like to admit…

I’d love to see a better color picker for the new roles. Most of my group’s ranks are associated with a specific color both in-game and on offsite platforms. Other than that, it’s a pretty cool change!


A number of people greater than your following, past, present, and future.

Anywho, it’s great to see how much Roblox has been working on groups, with Guilded announcements and now this. Can’t wait to see where these improvements are headed.


Can we get permissions to allow roles to view analytics but not see monetization analytics?


It’s a pretty exciting update, it’s great seeing this new implementation of creator hub. But, will the colors of the role only be visible within the Creator Hub, or is this a new update to groups in general? Also, the online feature is great as well for me at least (not sure if some people would want to private their statuses tho) But, I really like this and I want to see even more features in the future for groups. :happy1:


This update is great having everything be under one hood. The future updates of granularity between members for each experience and overhauling of the revenue system will be extremely useful (hopefully some sort of robux deposit system will be included :crossed_fingers:).

Is there any updates for some sort of API to provide a join prompt within games? Being able to offer this directly in-game would help with group growth related to games, and having some sort of feedback script signal on whether they joined or not through the prompt would be useful too.


Will we be able to set permissions for specific parts of an experience? For example, can a role have edit access to only certain assets or scripts without full edit access to the entire experience? This would be great for larger teams. Instead of just full access we can grant limited access to limited areas.


Yes, it does. You can whitelist specific group roles to have access to editing a specific experience, even if their role is set to not be able to edit group experiences


We have been asking for a percentage-based payout per game under a group for a while now and it needs to happen. This way, you can pay your people based on the game they are working on instead of creating multiple groups to pay your people for different games even tho they are working for the same entity.


Everyone asked for this feature. On a more serious note this will significantly help with team management and I applaud you Roblox.


Does this mean we’ll finally be able to manage UGC avatar item revenue split on an item-by-item basis? I’d love to collab with a few people, but my options are either making individual groups for each person/team I’m working with for automatic payments even if we’re only ever releasing a single item, or spending dev time to manually process and send out payments.


If you give someone access to editing one specific place within an experience, they would be given access to the experience’s global systems eg DataStores, MemoryStores, MessagingService etc. so for safety reasons there’s a good one for this feature to not exist at this point in time


Will there be an engine API for fetching what roles a user has in a given group? Currently this exists in the form of Player:GetRankInGroup() but this isn’t compatible with this new multi-role system.




No, that API is for the legacy roles system.


I’m also curious about how Player:GetRankInGroup would work along with Player:GetRoleInGroup considering that users can have multiple roles


I think those methods would likely be deprecated

cc @Executive_II


I would love access to some like webhook for real-time updates on the audit logs, which looks like this for proxying/caching requests:

With roblox internal ratelimit, it is currently so hard to keep up with the amount of audit logs that a person can do a specific action without running some ratelimit and getting be-hide on the audit logs.


Looking forward to these updates!

Just a look at the sneak peek of the upcoming features in this group overhaul gets me excited and wonder what other features will be in store…


Wait wait wait… what? Holy guacamole, that’s actually great! I’ve seen a lot of groups have “decorative” roles (i.e. making roles just to act as dividers in the role drop-down menu on group pages), so this is gonna save bux when people make a lot of roles in their groups.