Groups Now in Creator Hub, With New Roles and More! [Beta]

This should answer your question! :grin:


finally! I’ve never understood the 25 robux requirement–glad to hear it’s gone now


Hey @peraldon, there is an issue with the Group Profile tab.
For accounts under 13, the page loads indefinitely. I assume this is because the social links settings are not available for these accounts. On accounts 13+, it loads perfectly.
Please look into this issue! Thanks in advance


An update I’ve been waiting for. Why do you separate legacy and new roles? You can bring new features to the legacy system. I think it is unnecessary to separate them, all apis not working for new role system.

Your two sentences contradict each other. Will the current system be completely removed?

Im wondering this too. There is no way to see new roles right now.


I have been active in groups and clans for 8 years. I wish when I was more active this was round, but still amazing update! Now, all we did is a transfer funds into groups.


Is there going to be a good replacement for ranks? as currently checking ranks is really easy and id like for it to stay as close to as easy it is right now. With rank checks simply just being less than comparisons,

Like possibly a Player:HasRole(groupid, rolename), and
Player:HasRoles(groupid, …roles).

Also a way to know when a players roles have changed in a group on the server would be quite useful, as currently I have to use GetGroupsAsync on groupservice and write a wrapper module to get up to date ranks. This would be useful for me and pretty much every group based rp game (cafe groups, ect), as players ranks can change in game and if a game doesnt detect this using GetGroupsAsync then the player has to rejoin the game to get permissions in game associated with that rank.


Really? I always thought to edit in Studio you needed the edit permission in the group role and even if you had edit permissions in the collaboration tab it still didn’t let you. That’s at least what it seemed like when I tried…


Awesome! I love that groups are finally getting updates :saluting_face:
Oh and since this is groups related topic, we need in-game group join API as well :pleading_face:


Possibly a new signal on groupservice would work,
with the signal firing a player, and then an array of all the roles that player has now


Also didn’t really describe the uses for this too well, but it would be useful for like group zones ie areas where players with certain roles can only access, so like in a cafe game only players who have a staff role in thr group can get behind the counter. Or having registers that only players with a staff role can use.


Can anyone help me understand if any of these settings in Groups will be able to set up in-game Alliances ?
I need to create a more permanent grouping to player sides… that is a permanent extension to Teams… similar to one nation against others.


I appreciate the update, Roblox; it’s something I’ve been anticipating.


Having a way to make roles only be able to assign roles would be nice, and make roles only able to give roles below them like discord.


wheres the ranks in this? im confused of what is really coming from this


I hope this alludes to group owners being able to assign individual % for a specific game.

Would be very useful because say I want to give % to a contributor for game x, instead of me giving the % from game x AND game y, I can just assign % to the contributor from game x. Instead of giving my stream of revenue from all games under the group I can give them % from ONLY the game they contributed to.

Awesome update nonetheless to the Group Roles overhaul!


I think this is an interesting update and look forward to how it progresses!

I do have a couple questions:

  1. Will there be a hierarchy added similar to the legacy system where I will only be able to manage roles and users with roles below mine? (i.e. so even if I have the ability to manage group roles, I won’t be able to update those above mine or assign permissions to roles below mine that give it more permission than mine?)
  2. Will current permissions be broken out to be more precise? (I would want to be able to give someone the ability to ASSIGN roles but not create, delete, or update their permissions- same for members, etc.)

Hey @peraldon, what’s with the unobtainable colors?

Currently there’s Invalid, LightBlue, LightGreen, LightPurple, LightYellow, LightOrange, LightRed, LightPink, and LightTeal.

Invalid is grey and the rest are self-described.


You could create nations as roles, like so:

  • Nation X
  • Nation Y

If these nations had an alliance, you could create these roles:

  • Nation X Ally
  • Nation Y Ally

There’s a limit of 104 roles so this may not scale well. There’s also no API currently to check for these roles.

Entirely unrelated but if anyone is curious how Roblox generates the random numbers for new roles:

math.floor(1e4 * math.random())


Will there be OpenCloud support for the announced features, specifically for the role stuff?


This feature needs to have support for RoleIds because of how easy it is to create “duplicate” roles. As seen below.


The RoleIds should be immutable and have a separate way of ordering them. I suggest a RoleId for all things related to coding and an OrderId which lets you order roles to create a desired hierarchy.


Will this let me specifically assign developers to certain games but not others? I feel like I never could do that before - Personal games let me individually invite players but once on a Group I don’t recall being able to do individual invites after that, just the group role setting for all games.

Unless that was changed at some point already.