Has anybody actually been promoted?

The lack of information on how to be promoted is quite frustrating. @LuckyTux is the only person I know who has been promoted. He posted a helpful guide for other New Members, but an official guide from a Top Contributor or Staff would be much appreciated.

I see numerous New Members who have been posting actively in #development-support for months (Ex. @uJordy) who deserve to be promoted but have not been.

How many people have actually been promoted?


I mostly agree with most for this, many active people aren’t members. It’s ungair to see people who are always on the dev fourm day after day only getting noticed by very few people. For example @Pyrotenics made some nice tutorials. One of them including this. and he is only a new member. But, people do get ranked up, people who aren’t recognized. Someone could be ranked up at this moment, but we never knew the person. Basically I agree. I agree on the fact that many people who are active get promoted. But I also want to anwser your question. Yes people do get promoted, but we never know who.

@wevetments is very active too!


It can be changed manually. Edit the title, then you have the option to change the catgory the post is in.

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There are actually people getting promoted. If you’d check this page you’d notice that 3 days ago the most recent non-admin member was promoted. Many people that you see daily on the Forum are also people that were recently promoted through the new system and I do believe that they need to wait at least 6 months from their promotion to try to become a full member.


To answer your question: Yes. People besides LuckyTux have indeed been promoted.
One of those people happen to be myself! I was promoted to Member at the end of February. How I did it is pretty much completely covered in Lucky’s guide.

This was the case in the past were people could apply for the promotion after a 6 month period as a New Member. This was changed into the current process were you need to contribute to the forum in order to get promoted. Therefore it is possible to get promoted in less then 6 months on the forum.

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I agree with the fact that New Members are not presented with enough information to be promoted to a Member, however I think it also would be the equivalent of the application process before the automation was introduced, weeks of waiting to be accepted, rejected if not worthy enough. I also agree that there are a lot of New Members who are deserving enough to be promoted, I guess there’s really a high standard set for New Members to meet. It would be nice if our profiles had an indicator to view our probability to be promoted, it would personally boost my anticipation to “discourse” and contribute more.

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I meant that you need to contribute for 6 months and then they’d assess whenever you’re worthy of a promotion or not altho if that’s not the case, then yea, I believe that lots of the new members should be promoted.

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6 Months? How did you learn of this information?

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Had a friend that was trying to become a full member back when you needed to apply to be a member. He kept counting down for 6 months straight and it kind of rubbed into my memory :sweat_smile:


I’m logging in for the first time in months, and I saw this thread by coincidence, and I just want to say I completely agree. The system being used here just isn’t working. However I believe most of the problem is in the community management. I don’t think developer relations is exactly aware of how their Lead Top Contributors (the primary managers for rank-ups/posting) are handling moderation and selection. The post approval system being flawed is one example among many.

Personaly I quit this forum after I posted some feedback about this very subject in the deisgnated feedback thread, and ended up having my posts on it purged. The Lead Top Contributor responsible was later able to view that post and allow me to personally archive it, but it was frustrating at the time, and it cannot be fully recovered. I ended up getting to talk to devrel about the very same feedback and everything was good, but what happened speaks volumes about an issue that goes further than that incident. Lots of effort has went into posts I’ve made on here that got deleted or not approved, and it all turned out to be for nothing. Getting accepted as a full member is a nightmare for people like us, and it always will be, doesn’t matter how passoinate we are about this community.

It’s a different experience for everybody. For me, I had been trying to get into this forum ever since it was announced, and my experience finally participating turned out disappointing. I can engage fine with the community, people were loving my posts and I was loving tons of the posts I was reading. But as always with Roblox, the obstacle isn’t with the community, it’s with the moderation standing between you and the content you want to post, the people you want to interact with

DM me for my Discord if you want to vent about your experience or try to find some sameness/community in your troubles. I rarely login on this forum anymore but I’m happy to have gotten this out.


Thats not only the problem, there is a lack of places to post correct topics about something, most new members cant post tutorials, or show bugs because they will get flagged or automatically deleted.

I wouldnt care about being promoted as long as i can post correct stuff where it belongs to without having to get flagged, the post deleted and then later a memo in my messages showing me the rules time and time again, its quite frustrating to not have the tools to get these “promotions”,


Good post. I like how you put “promotions” in quotes, because it’s really true, the fact that we think of them as promotions is a problem. What kind of community requires this big of a promotion to participate in its basic facilities? Sure they have the post approval system for us, but it’s just so limiting, and often it fails. This community should be public or private, this middleground where it’s pretending to be public but still keeping all the traits of a private community is really hurting the potential for what it could be. They don’t have the man-hours to manually filter in posts from a developer community the size of Roblox’s.

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There is a thing we can go through called post approval to post threads in #learning-resources:community-tutorials-resources. and #platform-feedback.
I have not used it myself but it happens a lot.
and in the new member FAQ it states we should use the process if we want to get promoted.


This process is unreliable and high-effort threads often get left unlisted in the bulletin board. This has happened to me.

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if there is anything you shouldn’t be doing imo. You shouldn’t be complaining about the fact a few of your threads didn’t go through the approval. You’re not the only victim here, I’m sure quite a few people who have been promoted could’ve had the same happen to them.
Instead keep trying.

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You’re right, all of us are ‘victims’ of this system. That is the case I’m trying to make. Most of my experience happened months ago and I’ve since moved on. However this thread is an opportunity for all of us to talk about our experience, since that’s how changes are made.


To answer the question in the OP, I’ve seen multiple people get promoted (including some let in by the new system) so yes, it does happen. Whether it happens often enough is a totally new debate, and one that warrants its own thread.

As for certain other people who are claiming new members to be “victims” of this system… I ask that you please quit inventing problems. There are definitely problems with the new member system, from all perspectives. Suggesting otherwise would just be not true.

That’s not the same thing as claiming yourself a victim. I’ve seen several threads who have been unlisted by Lead Top Contributors before they were hidden, and basically all of them deserved it. There are basic expectations of coherence, formatting, and tone for the devforums and learning them can take time. If you go through the post approval process and actually engage Lead Top Contributors to learn how to improve your posts, you may be surprised.

As for threads sitting in limbo… Make sure you’ve sent a DM to the group and give it time. There are only three of them and they’re going to take time to go through all the posts on the forum and the DMs they get.


Bit of a strong word. I do not call myself a victim. I’d rather call myself a participant.
I think personally the current system works well. People have been promoted, and you can see all those who’ve been promoted who aren’t Roblox staff via the page Krunnie provided.

And for clarification, I used ‘victim’ to describe those who’ve had threads that failed post approval. not the system itself!


That’s not the same thing as claiming yourself a victim. I’ve seen several threads who have been unlisted by Lead Top Contributors before they were hidden, and basically all of them deserved it. There are basic expectations of coherence, formatting, and tone for the devforums and learning them can take time. If you go through the post approval process and actually engage Lead Top Contributors to learn how to improve your posts, you may be surprised.

As for threads sitting in limbo… Make sure you’ve sent a DM to the group and give it time. There are only three of them and they’re going to take time to go through all the posts on the forum and the DMs they get.

This paragraph bothers me, but it’s not your fault. You are a full member. It’s natural for you to assume everything is working properly because you haven’t personally had to deal with the post approval system. In theory it should work exactly as you described, but it doesn’t. Threads are denied very often, even ones that have hours of effort put into them and that meet all formatting standards. It’s a filter that’s causing people trouble participating and making this forum a negative experience for the majority of its developer userbase.

I just want to throw this in, that I don’t like the word “victim” either. Nobody on this thread is calling themselves one, except @realAndrea_Horwath who threw it in as a way to discredit our perfectly valid criticisms. I put it in quotes because that’s the word she used. In reality we are all affected by the system, it doesn’t matter what words we pick to describe that. It deserves attention if only because this is Roblox’s only official communication medium for development after they removed all manner of comments and forums on the original website.

I don’t have the experience to say whether you’re wrong or not, because I haven’t experienced what you have. What I’ve experienced is what I’ve said though. I talk to the Lead Top Contributors on Discord semi-regularly, and every time I’ve sent one a DM on the devforums the reply has been quick.

If you did have a thread that was of the right quality denied, would you mind sending it to me in a PM? I would like to see things from your perspective.