Sounds like a good fix, but I was able to fix the latest release(508) scaling issue, which for me was that it was not respecting my resolution reduction setting and was giving me the native monitor resolution for Roblox client which runs too slow compared to a lower resolution. I confirmed this by comparing screenshots taken from before and after the last updates, new screenshots were 1920x1080, last week’s screenshots were 1536x864 (my preferred resolution for performance!). My windows display scaling is set at 125% which enlarges the 1536x864 Roblox frame to full screen. After this update, Roblox client decided to run at 1920x1080 and enlarge its fonts based on my windows display scale. The fonts sure were crisp and pretty but my performance went to crap!
I fixed it by setting the DPI properties on the roblox shortcut to force Windows to manage DPI and that created this reg entry:
key: current user…AppData\Local\Roblox\Versions\version-7ac07bdec8dd48ae\RobloxPlayerBeta.exe data:~ DPIUNAWARE
I’ll probably have to do this again next update unless they roll back this terrible change.
They did this one other time that I can recall and they rolled it back, hope they do so again.
If anyone wants to use this method this is how I did it:
So all you did was change it to “System” and not “Application”? Or if there was something extra to do, could you show me an example on how to do it? Sorry, that image isn’t enough for me to understand if you changed something in registry editor.
EDIT: Nevermind, fixed it with the first solution. Thank you @ittrgrey.
Yeah, I just changed the property, I was just showing what the result was in the registry, I didn’t add that, changing it to ‘system’ added that reg entry.
I tried this 8 days ago when the original problem occurred and it worked fine. But Roblox just released a new update today and even after repeating the process within the new Roblox folder, my scaling is messed up. Any idea on how to fix this?
I wish if it would check if there’s a client setting file in the folder “ClientSettings” at the same level where the folder “Versions” is located at, each time it updates, to then put that client file and create a “ClientSettings” folder in that new version, so that we don’t have to do it manually.
It’s really disappointing that Roblox have decided to re-enable this feature with no fix in sight for the scaling issue. This needs to be rolled back until the new DPI handler can properly respect non-integer values.
This also started happening to me again a few days ago (around the same time other users have been reporting it), regardless of what High DPI setting I have, and I still have the Windows 10 DPI Fix. It works just fine in Studio, but my Roblox Client runs in 1536x864 even though my monitor is 1080p.
I’ve had to resort to many different workarounds over the years to fix this. For years (ever since I got my PC in 2018), I would have to fullscreen Roblox using Alt + Enter & exit fullscreen to fix it. That broke a year or so ago so I’d have to manually modify “Override High DPI scaling behaviour” every time Roblox updated. This also broke last month, so I had to resort to this which doesn’t seem to work on the Client anymore:
On my screen, disabling DPI scaling causes everything to become unreadably small. How does it look better for you, are you using a 1080p screen and should be using a 1x scale factor globally anyway?
i have a 1440p monitor with 1.25x scale. i haven’t tried any other scripts because my own script works fine as it only requires a single click per update.
my script makes studio sharper and more clear to read.