Having to modify "Override high DPI scaling behavior" just so Studio doesn't appear blurry and poorly scaled

What happend with “ClientSettings” ? Why is that feature gone?

See UI elements are incorrectly displayed & misaligned - #38 by nacasagu


I’m on Windows 11 and it works for me. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work on Windows 10.

What exactly does it do? Does it add a key to the Registry with HIGHDPIAWARE?

Do you know why it would not work?

Okay that what it does is just the same thing when editing compatibility settings I think.

Recent update caused the ClientSettings fix to no longer work on Windows 10

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Is it a Windows or a Roblox update?

What screen resolution and what DPI scale factor do you have set in your OS? These heavily downscaled screenshots say very little.

The intended behavior is that the Roblox client will scale based on the DPI setting in your OS, just like the OS itself as well as other apps on your PC. The default DPI scale is generally set to match what it would look like on a low-DPI screen (e.g. a 4k screen will be set to 200%, so that UI will be the same physical size as it would be at 1080p at 100%), but you can change this easily.

It’s not clear to me whether you’re experiencing something other than the intended behavior, or if you’re unhappy with the intended behavior. If you want the UI to be smaller than normal, then I’d suggest changing the scale setting in Windows.

Here’s what it looks like on my 4K 28" display, with 200% scaling set in Windows:


Thanks for looking into this.

I’m not sure what other user’s issues are with the client dpi scaling but from what you describe, you and I are talking about two different things. (I don’t want it to enlarge the text at max resolution)

This is what my client does every time a new client is rolled out:
my client runs at my display max resolution (I do not want this)
I quickly verify the resolution by taking a screenshot and examine the resolution of said screenshot (1920x1080, again, I do not want this)

After I go into the shortcut and compatibility tab, and select dpi setting override, set to ‘system’ then:
my client runs fullscreen at the 125% scaled resolution(or whatever scale you choose). my client runs higher fps due to lower total resolution required
I quickly verify this by screenshot showing the resolution is 1536x864

Try your screenshot again with the shortcut modified as I have described and see the difference in your display. If your client is truly respecting the DPI settings defined by the system, then override with ‘system’ setting should match(spoiler alert: it does not)

from what I can tell from the behaviour of Studio compared to this, it is the opposite, it does respect the system scaling and enlarges the gui as needed (which I prefer, but the author/OP of this thread does not, and would like it to not resize the Studio GUI and he is forced to update his shortcut with every release opposite to what I’m doing with the client)

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I am a bit confused as if this is a feature or if it is a bug as another admin says otherwise. Could you give us some clarification?

DPI scaling being supported by Client and Studio is a feature, not a bug. However, there are some more improvements planned in the future.

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Having the client use the native resolution of your display is intentional. When I take screenshots in-game, the output is 3840x2160.

It shouldn’t be harming your performance this significantly though. The client is supposed to render the 3D content at a different, lower resolution, and only 2D content (mostly UI) is rendered at native resolution. On my display, the 3D content renders at 1080p, and only 2D content renders in 2160p.

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Okay, but why does telling the compatibility dpi override to use ‘system’ get me a different game resolution? (if the client is using the system scaling, which is only seems to do if i select override)

Last year(I think) something was changed in the client to make the new/current behavior, before that I didn’t have to change my shortcut to get the reduced fullscreen resolution(still fullscreen size).

I don’t know if there is a way to please everyone with this, unless you come up with a way to make the new shortcut inspect and replicate the old shortcut’s settings. The ‘we want Studio tiny/native res’ people will have to keep changing their shortcuts. The ‘we want fullscreen client low res’ people will have to do the same. (maybe this is just me, idk)

again, thanks for looking into this.

The point is that we can keep the set 200% and have Roblox not adapt by the setting set by Windows.

I don’t want to change it to 100% so that Roblox fixes on this device. If I would set the setting to 100% it would be fine. However, before I was able to use ClientSettings, so that I can keep something like 125% and run Roblox with 100% without having to change the setting, aka. it will ignore and not DPI scale.

I don’t want it to DPI scale. How can I achieve that without ClientSettings now? I mean ClientSettings allowed to set other fast flags as well. What happend to the FFLags?


After testing at full res I was impressed that the performance is really comparable as you say. But it still seems I could get the framerate to drop into the 55 fps range at times, vs when at the 1536x864 res I can’t really get it to drop below 59fps and is mostly pegged at 60.

I think the another thing that throws me off about it is that it modifies my field of view a bit compare:
low res(dpi override:system 125%):

high res (dpi app controlled/default):

again this behavior seems to me as if the app is ignoring the dpi scaling since when i set it to override with system pref it lowers the res, it changes it. If the dpi scaling was working i would expect system override and application(default) to be the same. (as it is with Studio)

Or maybe this is due to override treating it like a dpi unaware app? At any rate, I like the low res and wish there was a way to have the new shortcut that comes out every week or so be a copy of the existing shortcut somehow so I wouldn’t have to keep modifying it.

Your problem is the opposite of mine. Studio applies the scaling and adjusts the gui accordingly and you want it to ignore that. Which you can do by modifying the shortcut but you’d have to do this every release.

To achieve this now, you can set your Studio shortcut as follows:

but you’ll have to do this every time they put out an update, takes 30 seconds, but still…

I… didnt even notice… wow all that space was there the whole time? And that blur wasn’t normal?

1920x1080 at 150%.

As much as I can appreciate the case for consistency here, the fact of the matter is that since this was an unannounced and undesired change in behaviour, it very much feels like an oversight.

I want the client to behave as it did previously, or an option for it to do so - changes in longstanding functionality like this are never going to be received well, and optionality should always be considered where it doesn’t add any additional development constraints.

I don’t want to change a system-wide setting for an application to function as it previously did, perfectly fine, for many years. That’s what my issue really is here - I (and many others) want a way to restore the old behaviour, and if that isn’t achievable, then the changes should be rolled back until it is achievable.

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And how can I disable the feature without ClientSettings. The scaling feature on Windows thing is not working.

I’m not talking about studio, I mean the scaling at the Client. I can’t suse High DPI scaling override, it doesn’t work.

ClientSettings used to work, but that one is gone now, and I don’t know why.

We must be talking about different things then. What are expecting to happen that doesn’t? How do you check that it isn’t working?

What I observe on my pc is that the client by default will use full native resolution of my display. I have to override that to get it to scale down. If your goal isn’t one of those things then I have no idea what you are trying to do.

Can you elaborate on what you mean by the ClientSettings not working? Does the ClientSettings folder not exist on the path, or does it just not work? The folder is still there for me.