[HCC] Middle Rank Guide

Honey Comb Cafe - Middle Rank Guide
This guide will be used as a reference throughout the primary processes every Middle Rank goes through on many different platforms.

Table of Contents

  • Middle Rank Promotion Message

  • Middle Rank Expectations

  • Specific Rank Expectations

  • Trello Boards Explained

  • Trainings Explained

  • Inactivity Notices & Resigning

  • Moderation & Blacklisted Commands

  • Communication Server Moderation

  • Communication Server Ticket System

  • Concluding Message

Middle Rank Promotion Message

Chances are, that you’re in this forum either because you have been promoted to a Middle Rank role! If so, our staffing team welcomes you with open arms and can not wait to see what difference you will make in our community! In this guide, you will find all of your essentials on how to become a well-rounded middle rank. This includes the middle rank expectations, training guide, and so much more. Take your time while exploring this guide, don’t freak out, and breathe! You’re going to do great things!

Middle Rank Expectations

Below is a list of characteristics and requirements expected of every Middle Ranking staff member.


As a Moderator+ you are required to be active. Yes, everyone has lives and we all have things to do, but as long as you’re trying your best, that is all that matters! With that being said, activity should be balanced between our communication servers, Trello, cafe shifts, and training sessions. Inactive notices are the only exception to inactivity, please refer to the Inactive Notices & Resigning section for more information.


Grammar is not required for any staff members however professionalism is. This includes being eligible to devote your attention to specific things, getting things done in a timely manner, and being able to bring a serious attitude to events or sessions if necessary because although we are here to have fun, we’re also here to get things done.

Communication Server & Trello

This expectation is touched on and broken down further in this guide but is a necessity. Our group’s communication server is where all of our staff team communicates with one another and our Trello is where we plan out specifics on different sessions, events, and questionnaires. This makes our communication server and Trello needed in order to rank as middle rank and above at Honey Comb Cafe.

Specific Rank Expectations

Below are specifics on what each Middle Rank is expected to do in addition to the Middle Rank expectations section.

Staff Assistant
As a beginner moderator, you are expected to participate in the Trello boards, and shadow or supervise at training sessions when possible.

Training Team
Hence the name, you are permitted to train and are expected to join training sessions to show overall dedication and show off your amazing training skills. However, you must also cooperate with your shadow if the situation suggests.

Supervising Team
You are the highest of middle ranks, you are expected to be a role model for your fellow middle ranks to show that you’re capable of becoming a high rank!

Trello Boards Explained

The Trello Boards are important and are required to be filled out before doing any desired actions. There are 2 Trello Boards, this section of the guide will educate you on both boards.

Session Board

The board lists down all of the training sessions, as well as who will be hosting, training, shadowing, and supervising during the current week at each session.

How to join a session…
To be able to join a training session, the session must NOT be currently ongoing, ABOUT to start, nor being used as a template. Claiming a session consists of clicking on the desired session (an expanded version of the card should pop up on PC ). On the top right-hand corner, just below the title should be a button that says “Join Card”, click it and type your username in the card description based off of your wanted position during the training session (Host, Trainer, Shadow, Supervisor).

QOTD Board

This board lists down the days of the week, as well as who will be announcing the question of the day each day of the week.

What each label means for the cards…
The different color labels have different meanings and should be updated when necessary.
Blue: Very Important, Green: Open, Unclaimed, Yellow: Claimed, Purple: Completed

How to claim a QOTD…
Similar to claiming a session, you are to click the day of the week you wish to claim. Scroll until you see the button called “CLAIM” and click it! Then type your QOTD in the comment section! When the day comes and you have finally posted your QOTD, you are to go back to the card and turn the Label into Purple (Completed).

When posting a QOTD in the communication server, you are to abide by the following format…

Question Of The Day!

(Insert Question)

Remember to post your answers in #general-discussion!



(your rank in bold lettering)


(Feel free to personalize it using emojis and other fun stuff!)

Trainings Explained

As a Middle Rank you can supervise, shadow, or train at training depending on what rank you are! Here is everything you need to know about training!

Rank Responsibilities

Trainees : All Low-Ranks (Starter Cashier - Junior Cashier) excluding Senior Cashiers can attend training sessions and be trained in hops to rank up to the next rank!

Staff Assistant : This rank may supervise and shadow a trainer at training sessions, helping out the trainer with anything.

Training Team & Supervising Team : At this rank, they can do everything a Staff Assistant can do but they can also train!

Pre-Training Procedure

BEFORE attending a training session as an MR+ you MUST add yourself to the session’s Trello card as whatever you intend to be: trainer, shadow, host, and supervisor. All of these roles excluding the host role are subject to change based on the amount of Trainees.

Next, if you’re intending to be a trainer, shadow, or supervisor you must be in the training server 10 minutes before the session commences.

Main TRAINER/SHADOW Training Procedure

As a trainer, at the beginning of the session, you can answer any questions that pop up if allowed by the host and you must help out with the following grouping guide:


After the host has gone over everything and has released you to your station, teleport all your assigned trainees to your assigned station. Follow these steps:

  1. Welcome your senior cashier if you have one and tell them that they can just spectate and answer any questions!
  2. Introduce yourself & if you have a shadow communicate with them beforehand on who does what!
  3. Introduce your trainer or have them introduce themselves!
  4. Summarize the stages information provided by the host, this may take more than 1 chat.
  5. Transition to one of the stages, you may choose whatever order you’d like.

When doing the trivia stage go over resources that can help the trainees, such as the handbook and other resources in order to help them. Then, explain what a private message (PM) is and how to respond. Lastly, review what the trivia stage is and what the trolling section is.

Once done, pm the trainee’s trivia questions about the group, examples below, and give them points if they get them right. Try and make them difficult and not very easy.

Trivia Example 1: Is the flavoring, Fudge available here at the Cafe? [True or False?]
Answer: False

Trivia Example 2: What is the recipe for a Lemon Iced Tea?
Answer: Ice + Blender + Steamed Water + Lemon Tea Flavoring


After you’re done with all 4 trivia questions, you can continue onto the trolling section but make sure to tell them this vital information beforehand:

We do NOT give warnings to Exploiters, Spammers, or Disrespectful Customers.

If you happen to come across such a customer you are to call an admin immediately and do NOT hesitate to do so.

In the simulation, instead of calling an admin simply step back from the counter and say, “-Calls Admin-”.

But in the case of a trolling customer, you may verbally warn them ONCE and then call an admin.

Then, you can act as a troller or exploiter and see if they pass then move on to the next section.

When moving into this stage you must regardless of the trainee’s experience, state the following information before saying orders (you may add emojis or make this your own):

In this stage, you will be given five orders. These orders will get more complicated over time.

Quick reminder to please let me know if I’m going too fast and you’d like me to slow down!

Once you have completed the order I will ask for it, to give the order to me press the ‘UTILITY’ button on the left-hand side of your screen.

Or, if you are on PC you can also press the ‘H’ on your keyboard to pop up a GUI.

Once you do so, a GUI will pop up.

Once it pops up you will type in the user’s name to which you’ll be handing the order to. It can NOT be abbreviated and DOES require caps.

Cashiers you will be given a time limit of III mins to complete the order any other rank will NOT be timed.

This timer will begin right when I state the order, keep that in mind.

Lastly, when I say the orders I will NOT repeat them. So, pay close attention and possibly write it down.

Then, you may start saying orders one at a time while timing the Cashiers and then giving points as you go. Make sure to increase the difficulty of the orders as you continue.


Once both stages are completed, bring all of your trainees to the promoter (host) and wish them good luck and say your goodbyes!

Inactivity Notices & Resigning

If you know that you will be inactive for two days or longer, you must file an inactive notice with one of our Staffing Directors or our Chairman. This must be more than 24 hours in advance of the start of your inactivity. This inactivity can only last a max of two weeks, if you must be inactive for any longer, and a Staffing Director/the Chairman doesn’t allow it, you must resign…

Resigning is the act of giving up your current position in our group. In order to resign, you must let a Staffing Director or the Chairman know a week (7 days) in advance of your resignation date in order to prepare. You may be asked to do some things in this last week that you have as your rank such as sending a resignation message to your fellow admins/mods, or other requests. Once the resignation date has elapsed, you will be revoked of your admin/moderator permissions at the cafe and demoted to Valued Customer along with our past MRs, HRs, and SHRs.

Moderation & Blacklisted Commands

As a Middle Rank, you will receive a temporary mod at the Training Center and a permanent mod at the Cafe! Here is a list of the commands that are allowed and those that are forbidden. If you hover over the message in the :cmds section, it will list the function of these commands!

Blacklisted Commands

The following are commands that are NOT ALLOWED to be utilized and will result in a suspension or worse unless given permission by the Chairman.

:unadmin, :team, :hat, :jump, :sit, :speed, :ws, :god, :ungod, :ff, :unff, :music, :play, :volume, :pitch, :vol, :stopsound, :setreverb, :reverbs, :give, :startergear, :clearstartergear, :time, :joinserver, :privateservers, :name, :unname, :change, :heal, :jumppower, :trellobans, :exampleplugin, :shutdown

Valid Commands

The following commands are ALLOWED to be utilized as long as you do so within reason.

:respawn, :res, :kick, :cmds, :admins, :ingameadmins, :chatlogs, :logs, :bans, :pm, :m, :slock, :unslock, :h, :tp, :to, :bring, :info, :joinlogs, :gamepassinfo, :iteminfo, :pbans, :shutdownlogs, :view, :unview, :refresh, :ref, :countdown, :tools, :removetools, :clear, :clr, :viewtools, :changelogs

Commnunication Server Moderation

As an MR you now have access to moderation in our Discord/Communication Server! You will have access to two moderation commands depending on your rank. Here are the two commands and their purposes…

  • Warning (/warn or /warnings - STAFF ASSISTANT+)
    This command allows you to warn a user through our bot rather than through direct messages. It also creates a log of the different warnings this user has received. The /warn command gives the player an indicated warning written out by you and the /warnings command checks the past warnings that this user has received.

  • 12h/24h Muting (/mute or /unmute - TRAINING TEAM+)
    Mute is a command that mutes the specified user from chatting on any of the channels on our server. This command does remove all of the user’s roles aside from the muted role, restricting access to viewing certain channels for the specified amount of time. Depending on the harshness of this mute, you can choose from a 12h or a 24h mute when stating the command. Then, once the time is up the user will gain back their roles and regain access to chatting once again or you may unmute them manually but that is only used if they are muted accidentally.

All of these commands MUST be run through our MR Discussion channel ONLY.

Depending on the severity of the user’s actions or their prior warnings, you may have to mute them rather than warn them. It is up to you but obviously, you must report it to the Chairman if you think the user must be banned from the server with sufficient evidence. Also, please keep in mind these commands are run through our bot ‘Donald’ or Dyno and that these commands are based on our rules and guidelines channel in our communication server.

Communication Server Ticket System

For Supervising Team members and beyond, the Ticketing System will be available to you to control! This support system allows users to ask questions or contact the Mod+ team without having to direct message them and while being logged for everything they say. Here’s how it works…

Answering a Ticket
When a ticket is made there will be a channel created with you, the entire Supervising Team+ members, and the user who requested the ticket. In hopes that they ask their question when the channel is made, you may respond and try to answer their question(s) or concern(s). If they don’t ask a question or are just abusing this support system you may warn them and close the ticket. Additionally, if you do not know the answer to the question, you may ping another member of the Supervising+ Team and they may try and answer it. But, once the question has been answered you may press the ‘close’ button then confirm and the ticket will be closed.

Managing Ticket Archives
After a ticket has been closed, the user will no longer have access to the channel and the channel will be moved to the channel archives. This is where past channels remain until reused. If you need to, you may also re-open the ticket to try and add to your previous response(s).

That is our ticketing/support system. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to an HR+!

Concluding Message

Now that you’ve read everything over, you probably have many questions on many different things which are completely normal! Feel free to reach out to our amazing Staffing Director or another SHR for any assistance! We are here to help, and here to serve you at Honey Comb Cafe.

Guide Authorized by Honey Comb Cafe’s Executives,
Created 8/19/2022