HD Admin Updates 2025

This post is still being updated. Please check back tomorrow for the complete version. 02/05/2025

If you’re the developer of an experience with over 1000+ CCU regularly, reach out to me here or on twitter (with title ‘HD Premium’, and link to your game) to get access to 1-1 communication and exclusive insights.

These are the largest updates to HD Admin in five years, with many more to come - all changes are backwards compatible and are designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing module. The main goals of these, and ongoing changes is to:

  1. :framed_picture: Improve the user experience (e.g. UI-based executable commands)

  2. :chart_with_upwards_trend: Dramatically increase your Robux earned through HD Admin (e.g. increasing the exposure of products you sell, new forms of monetization such as one-time-buyable commands, etc)

  3. :briefcase: Providing a more professional look that integrates into your experience (e.g. redesigned-UI, removing the “HD Admin” branding)

  4. :hammer: Upgrading moderation tools to be more reliable and up to date with the evolving Roblox tool set (e.g. building in seamless integrations to support the new Ban API)

  5. :speech_balloon: Improving communication about changes, providing more channels to submit feedback & bugs, and providing clear & easy-to-use documentation so that you can easily configure and build on top of the application

A dedicated server, discussion thread, and repository for updates and suggestions is in the works, but if you’d like to send any feedback in the meantime you’re more than welcome to message me on the DevForum which I check and respond to daily.

February 2025


:sparkles: Highlights

  1. :framed_picture: New Dashboard

  2. :page_with_curl: UI Executable Commands


  3. :fire: Fixed and upgraded every command… with many new commands


  4. :no_entry_sign: Removed HD Branding

    This includes notices, warnings, dashboard, etc - we want HD Admin to blend into your game, not to take the spotlight :pray:

  5. 🪇Introduced a commands-only icon & page

    This is ideal for games who only want to show a select few commands (such as buyable commands) to their players, instead of displaying the whole dashboard.

    RankRequiredToViewCommandsIcon = 0;
    RankRequiredToViewDashboardIcon = 1;
    ShowOnlyUsableAndBuyableCommands = true;

  6. :mag_right: Improved Gamepass Discovery

    • Buyable ranks have been moved from the Ranks page to Commands page to make them more accessible
    • Any time a player attempts to execute a command they can’t use, it now prompt purchases your configured gamepass to them, increasing product discoverability
    • Unusable commands are now more obvious with a faded-out effect


  7. :speech_balloon: TextChatService Migration

    • TextChatService is now fully supported, and all traces of the Legacy Chat removed (which is being forcefully deprecated by Roblox)
    • New chat commands have been added in (and old ones updated), including ;chatHijacker, ;chatTag and ;chatName

  8. :arrows_counterclockwise: Replaced Donor commands

    We realised after some feedback that Donor commands were too intrusive, so we’ve removed and replaced these with a collection of dances, emotes, and bundles which have been rebranded under the name ‘Booster’ commands:

    • Booster commands cost 899 Robux
    • You the developer get 14% of every sale after Roblox’s tax (so 89 Robux)
    • We’re looking to increase this to 57% (so 360 Robux) by converting the Booster gamepass to an accessory - first we just need to secure additional funding
    • Booster bundles are restricted with a debounce of ~10 uses per 30 seconds - please reach out to me @ForeverHD if you’d like additional restrictions
    • You can disable Booster commands by setting DisableFunAndBoosterCommands to false within the loader
    • Our team relies solely on Booster donation sales to fund the development of HD Admin. If you use HD Admin, we ask kindly that you enable ThirdPartySales and enable Booster command donations so that we can continue funding the development of more features and commands :pray:

:dna: Changes

  • To be completed 6th February
  • Removed poop command (explain TOS)

:rocket: Plans

This is a non-exhaustive list of updates still to come:

  • To be completed 6th February
  • Mention server and UI / Fusion codebase overhaul
  • Mention API & documentation
  • Full Localization support
  • One-time-use repeatable purchasable commands
  • Command Tagging - search by groups/tags of commands
  • A major overhaul of the loader, in particular so commands are separated from the Core so that the developer can select which commands they want / dont want, and can review every new command instead of it being automatically added in
  • A focus on creating more fun / sellable commands
  • Ban / moderation improvements
  • Revenue / Statistics page
  • Revamped ‘About’ page
  • Moving the HD Admin core over to a package where you can preview changes and toggle on/off AutoUpdates
  • Roles - the ability to have more than one role, to sell packs of commands (instead of ranks with all the commands below, etc)

If you’d like to benefit from these changes and the many more coming throughout the year, I recommend using an up-to-date loader with automatic updates enabled: