If you’re the developer of an experience with over 1000+ CCU regularly, reach out to me on the DevForum or X / Twitter to get access to 1-1 communication and exclusive insights.
These are the largest updates to HD Admin in five years, with many more to come - all changes are backwards compatible and are designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing module. The main goals of these, and ongoing changes is to:
Improve the user experience (e.g. UI-based executable commands)
Dramatically increase your Robux earned through HD Admin (e.g. increasing the exposure of products you sell, new forms of monetization such as one-time-buyable commands, etc)
Providing a more professional look that integrates into your experience (e.g. redesigned-UI, removing the “HD Admin” branding)
Upgrading moderation tools to be more reliable and up to date with the evolving Roblox tool set (e.g. building in seamless integrations to support the new Ban API)
Improving communication about changes, providing more channels to submit feedback & bugs, and providing clear & easy-to-use documentation so that you can easily configure and build on top of the application
A dedicated server, discussion thread, and repository for updates and suggestions is in the works, but if you’d like to send any feedback in the meantime you’re more than welcome to message me on the DevForum which I check and respond to daily.
New Dashboard
UI Executable Commands
Fixed and upgraded every command… with many new commands
Removed HD Branding
This includes notices, warnings, dashboard, etc - we want HD Admin to blend into your game, not to take the spotlight
🪇Introduced a commands-only icon & page
This is ideal for games who only want to show a select few commands (such as buyable commands) to their players, instead of displaying the whole dashboard.
RankRequiredToViewCommandsIcon = 0; RankRequiredToViewDashboardIcon = 1; ShowOnlyUsableAndBuyableCommands = true;
Improved Gamepass Discovery
- Buyable ranks have been moved from the Ranks page to Commands page to make them more accessible
- Any time a player attempts to execute a command they can’t use, it now prompt purchases your configured gamepass to them, increasing product discoverability
- Unusable commands are now more obvious with a faded-out effect
For example, @brodie0258’s saw a 40%+ increase in sales week-over-week at his game F3X Btools Free Build after installing the panel (and accounting for relative changes in CCU):
TextChatService Migration
- TextChatService is now fully supported, and all traces of the Legacy Chat removed (which is being forcefully deprecated by Roblox)
- New chat commands have been added in (and old ones updated), including
Enable AutoUpdate to benefit from the latest changes
March 10th 2025
- Fixed settings.ChatColors dictionary attribute bug
Thanks @Zyrix_1 for reporting
March 6th 2025
- Replaced Alert SoundId with new sound due to previous one becoming unavailable on the public marketplace
- Introduced 'Alert2SoundId' loader setting to replace 'AlertSoundId'
Thanks @ronaldo52107 for reporting
March 4th 2025
- Updated ChatHandler so that it no longer interacts with TextChatService.SendingMessage and TextChatService.MessageReceived until manually activated (for example, via commands such as ;ChatTag)
Thanks @3F1VE for the feedback in improving this behavior
February 25th 2025
- Fixed long-strings causing messages to never disappear
- Improved the wait time for messages
- Fixed the default ;shirt and ;pants
- The About page now informs you if your HD Admin is outdated
- The game owner now receives a prompt if their application is not opted-into AutoUpdates
- Added in VERSION module
v1.25.1 ⚠️ Critical
February 20th 2025
- Patches a vulnerability with SyncSurface in BuildingTools that enabled a remote code execution exploit when used in combination with the insert command.
- Tools such as btools now have all Scripts disabled by default. These are only then enabled within the clone of that tool once its command is parsed via HD Admin and its tool given to the player.
Thanks @GigsD4X and @scripth for help with this fix
February 17th 2025
- Fixed ;insert breaking after ;loadMap is used
- Added size and type checks to Settings to prevent the inputting of characters/super-long-strings that would break the panel for that particular client
- Fixed a notable bug that prevented the use of qualifiers with the / or ! prefixes (such as /kill others, /fly all, etc)
- Major improvements to Cmdbar
- Displays more desirable items first (e.g. smaller items are now displayed correctly before larger)
- Checks for text matches instead of solely the start characters
- Shows undo aliases
- Upgraded appearance
- Added Cmdbar Toggle Button to top of Commands page for desktop users
- Fixed player.Chatted bug when using > or < as prefix
- Fixed custom prefixes not working correctly within Settings, Commands and the Cmdbars
- Fixed themes not saving
- Improved globalPoll, globalAlert and globalBroadcast
- Improved functioning in Reserved Servers (double initializer Reference)
- Added UndoAliases (e.g. ;noclip -> ;clip, ;invisible -> visible)
- Fixed bug when attempting to execute silent commands using /e at the front
- Enhanced effects like ;gold, ;shine, etc so they now work with R6 and all accessories, bodyparts and wrappings
- Fixed all jump commands for R6
- Enhanced and fixed ;fling so that it now unsits you once complete
- Added in API.commandExecuted signal:
local hdMain = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("HDAdminSetup")):GetMain()
local API = hdMain:GetModule("API")
local commandExecuted = API.commandExecuted
commandExecuted:Connect(function(speaker, commandName, args)
print("Command executed:", speaker, commandName, args)
- ;unfly and ;clip now work correctly
- Added in double-initializer prevention checks
- Enahanced polls so they now warn you if they'll exceed the data limit
- Improved ;control to prevent the target resetting (and ending the command), and fixed a bug when the controller reset and could sometimes bug the target
Thanks @brodie0258, @isCreator, @Tony123_1020 and @Tomader910 @Maciek_84YT for discovering bugs and providing feedback on many of these changes
February 7th 2025
- Converted Loader Core to a package in preparation for Public Packages
- Replaced Loader Extensions with Config (designed to be simpler and easier to use)
- Added interface-executable commands - now just tap on the command to execute!
- Changed default notice title from "HD Admin" to "System"
- Modernized notice appearance
- Roundified all UI containers
- Redesigned the Dashboard with boxes Commands, Moderation, Revenue, Settings and About (and replaced the old rows of About, Commands, Special, Admin and Settings)
- Modernized and fixed all UI components
- Changed default theme from Blue to Blurple
- Added 'animations' to 'CommandLimits' within the loader:
["animations"] = {
Limit = 2;
Minimum = 0.5,
IgnoreLimit = 6;
SilentlyChange = true,
- Moved laserEyes from rank 0 to rank 1 and made a premium donation command
- Fixed bug causing cmdbar to be hidden
- Fixed string processing within Arguments as it previously tripped up on particular commands with text-endings that could match the previous argument (such as ;createteam red red)
- Updated Building Tools
- Moved purchasable ranks from Moderation to Commands and improved design to be more discoverable
- Attempting to execute a command not within your rank, but which has a gamepasss, now prompts that gamepass to the user
- Added commands:
- ;buffify
- ;wormify
- ;chibify
- ;plushify
- ;freakify
- ;frogify
- ;spongify
- ;bigify
- ;creepify
- ;dinofy
- ;fatify
- ;hotdance
- ;head
- ;fast
- ;slow
- ;superJump
- ;heavyJump
- ;chatTag
- ;chatTagColor
- ;chatName
- ;chatNameColor
- ;systemMessage
- Fixed or improved EVERY command:
- ;ice
- ;jail
- ;size
- ;glass (now works for all accessories, head and bodyparts, same for all effects below)
- ;neon
- ;shine
- ;ghost
- ;gold
- ;spin
- ;bigHead
- ;smallHead
- ;dwarf
- ;giantDwarf
- ;squash
- ;width
- ;fat
- ;thin
- ;invisible
- ;paint
- ;material
- ;reflectance
- ;transparency
- ;laserEyes
- ;ping - fixes a bug which caused ping to fire twice
- ;clearHats
- ;face
- ;hea
- ;blur
- ;name - now works properly, also notifies you of the change
- ;hideName - now works properly, also notifies you of the change
- ;potatoHead - changed to a new head bundle and made r15 a requirement to prevent breaking
- ;view - view now STAYS on the player if they reset, and REMOVES if the player leaves
- ;speed
- ;jumpHeight
- ;give
- ;title - colors now work properly
- ;fling - flings correct, and no longer locks you sitting
- ;r15
- ;r6 - fixed some quirks
- ;clone - clones are now heavier to prevent flinging bug, and now clone correctly if you have effects such as ;gold applied for example
- ;clear - now properly cleans all clones within workspace
- ;buildingTool - updated to the new 2024 version
- ;team - now assigns team correctly
- ;disco - you can now ;undisco properly
- ;fog - you can now unfog correctly
- ;fogColor - changes the color correctly now
- ;vote - checks for max size and warns if so
- ;control - MASSIVELY improved, it now controls the user a lot more effectively, it remains if the player resets, is easier to control for the controller, is complemented with the new chat hijacker command to fully control the targets chat (bubble and system) - because of how abusive this is, it's now been ranked up to HeadAdmin
- ;chat - upgraded to work for new TextChatService
- ;createTeam - now works properly
- ;removeTeam - now works properly
- ;globalVote - more accurate
Removed commands:
- ;rainbows/poop - removed as it had the potential to impact an experience's Maturity and Compliance Questionnaire
- ;boing
- ;thanos
- ;fart
- ;headsnap
- Removed donor commands to abide Maturity and Compliance and to limit gameplay interference. These were instead replaced with Bundle commands
- Introduced Booster animations (such as /dance and /emota)
- Introduced Booster bundles (such as /buff and /plush)
- Added customizable animation speeds
- Removed all internal morphs as I plan to bundles to replace this entirely (your current morph addons however will continue to work)
- If you previously owned Donor commands you get the new Booster commands
- Changed a lot of UI functions from .Pressed to .Clicked - will continue to overhaul all
- Added 'command groups' - this means if one group is called within that group, any other active commands in that group for that player will be revoked - this is useful for example when trying out ;gold, then ;shine, then ;ghost within the commands page
- Fixed a bug causing bundles to become stretchy and odd
- Commands are now grayed out on the commands page to indicate if you can't use them
- Improved rainbow labels to use new RichText
- Added 'ShowOnlyUsableAndBuyableCommands' to loader
- Fixed hovering effect for Dashboard icons
This is a non-exhaustive list of updates still to come:
- Client and UI codebase overhaul to Fusion
- Server codbase overhaul
- API & documentation enhancement
- Full Localization support
- One-time-use repeatable purchasable commands
- Command Tagging - search by groups/tags of commands
- A major overhaul of the loader, in particular so commands are separated from the Core so that the developer can select which commands they want / dont want, and can review every new command instead of it being automatically added in
- A focus on creating more fun / sellable commands
- Ban & moderation improvements
- Revenue / Statistics page
- Revamped ‘About’ page
- Moving the HD Admin core over to a package where you can preview changes and toggle on/off AutoUpdates
- Roles - the ability to have more than one role, to sell packs of commands (instead of ranks with all the commands below, etc)
If you’d like to benefit from these changes and the many more coming throughout the year, I recommend using an up-to-date loader with automatic updates enabled: