Hiring a Builder [100K+] [LOW-POLY]

About Us

Hey! We are a small team of developers getting together to create a simulator-based project, and we are looking for a builder to help us create a map!

The Team
@serverModule - Lead Director
@Frigitec - Lead Developer
?? - Builder

About The Job

We are looking for a fantastic builder who is capable of working quick, but also able to make quality work. The preferred building style is low-poly, but anything can work. Any example of a low-poly simulator building will work. The reason the work must be done fairly quickly (1-2 weeks) is because the game’s initial release will be soon. The maps are going to be fairly large, but not exactly very detailed. Four maps at minimum will be expected.

Payment [ONE-TIME]

We are planning to pay at MINIMUM, 100,000 ROBUX (25K+ per map) through group funds payout. Quality work will be expected, and strong criticism will be given.

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Twitter at: https://twitter.com/inventionrunner
You must be 13 years or older to apply, and preferably in a time zone that works well with EST.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


I’m quite interested in this position- but I was wondering what builds will this position be making?

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Maps involving different biomes, such as detailed deserts, arctic, forests, volcanic, etc. biomes.

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Hello! I am interested here is my portfolio:

Hey! Fantastic work, Chronic. I’ll be messaging you on DevForum shortly.

I’m interested. [CLOSED] Builder for hire | Low poly, Cartoon style, Realistic

I’d love to take the position if it’s still open. Sir_Trolling Building & 3D Modeling Portfolio (Work in Progress)

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I’m interested in this position!:slightly_smiling_face:

Here is my portfolio: AmazingAbs: Porfolio


I’m interested in this position, here’s some of my work:
Squidzyee - Building Portfolio.

Also me and @fxbiana work pretty well too! :wink:


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