Hiring Builder & UI Designer [R$100,000+]


Hey developers! Los Angeles: 911, is an upcoming police roleplay group with the intent to excel above all others. Currently, our flagship game is relatively outdated and isn’t suitable for our players to consistently play realistically. Because of this, we are remaking our entire game from the ground up with a brand new map and all new assets. We need some help though! That’s why we’re looking for a group of talented individuals to help us grow to become capitals in this genre.

The Team
@crywink - Lead Developer & Scripter

The development team is just me at the moment, this excluding our marketer handling engagement, analytics, and advertisements.

Open Positions

Builder (R$ 100,000 starting)

We are looking for a talented builder, preferably with some experience in designing and creating semi-realistic maps while also keeping optimization and hierarchy organization a priority throughout development. Although not the full extent, a list of things you might be making is listed below…

  • Buildings (some with interiors / some without)
  • Roads, sidewalks, road signs, and street lights
  • Trees, bushes, and other miscellaneous foliage
  • Terrain

Like I said, organization is essential because it makes scripting the respective aspects of the game a lot easier.

UI Designer (~R$ 35,000)

What’s a game without UI? It sets the first impression and plays a massive role in immersing the player into the game. We’re looking for a talented UI designer with experience in making somewhat-minimal UI contoured to our style that is appropriately scaled and doesn’t intrude on gameplay. You’ll also need to be able to import your assets from your editor-of-choice to Roblox and configure the respective scaling and constraints. A couple of the things you would be making are listed below…

  • Radio (for communication)
  • Intro/Loading screen
  • Menu with shop
  • ATM Interface

(Disclaimer: you do not have to script anything)

In terms of payment, we do not provide a revenue percentage. The payments listed on the job tabs above are base payments and can be increased dependent on attitude, quality of work, communication skill, and time of completion. If needed, we can work out a contract confirming how much you’ll be paid at the end of your commission.

We expect that our developers work actively. Although we don’t want to rush you, we do expect that you meet our expected deadline. We plan to push the game into a paid beta one month into development, granted that the game is deemed playable by our QA.

Contact Us

If you’re interested in applying for a job position, please send me a message on the developer forum providing previous work (game, twitter, screenshot, etc) or reply to this thread with your Discord username & tag and I will send you a friend request to communicate with you further.

Thanks, looking forward to working with you!
- Sam


Hi there! I am xJxck_yy, and I am interested in talking to you. I am xJxck_yy#7636

Please contact me on discord to continue the discussion.

Check my portfolio, is it pay when it’s done…? It’s not like it’s a % right…?

I’m very interessed for the job, I got alot of experience. It’s my featured topic!

Contact me on Discord, wich can we found on my portfolio aswell, or my profile.

I’m interested in this, but are the builds supposed to look like the ones in game currently just with interior or are we able to just add to the existing builds and add a better interior and exterior? Are you also trying to replace the roads entirely to make the game look more “polished” or is this just to expand more on the existing map?

We’re rebuilding the game from the ground up.


Oh, I see now. Are you wanting it like the same building style you had from the other games before this?

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Greetings! I specialise in 3D modelling, building, UI and graphic designing. I believe that my skillset would come to great use to your game and project. I am interested in working with you and your team.

This is my discord ID, please contact me: Blacc#9878

So will we be paid after the game releases or will we be paid per asset or what?

Hello, I am a UI Designer and believe I will be able to meet your needs and criteria for your game. I have actually played your game and similar games so I know what type of UI you’re looking for.

You can view my portfolio here: devTig3r | Closed
My Discord ID is devTig3r#2580. Please contact me if you’re interested.

Also, as the post above asks, will we be paid after the game release or per asset?

Hey! I’m @Lil_SharkyBoy a 3D Artist on the Platform and I have seen interested on many project, this is kinda weird not gonna lie. Never saw a police officer roleplay game on the ROBLOX Platform, maybe because I’m new. :man_shrugging:

Anyway, I would like to apply if you need something from me, this is my portfolio made on Adobe Portfolio’s. I hope we get in contact soon.

Have a nice day!

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I would like to be a builder my discord is OliwierGamerYT#4637

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Hey! My name is SirAlexanderHamilton, you can call me Alex!

I’m interested in the UI Designer position, we can talk on discord! I’m interested to hear about what all you want the UIs to look like, please reply for further details.


Discord: Snaps#1024

Devforum Portfolio: [OPEN] Mashdee | UI Designer | Graphics Designer |

My discord is Hevoq#4601 I do any theme and any design. I use blender and I can do regular roblox studio. I have many map examples.
I do not have a portfolio but I can show you everything I’ve done.
I’ve worked on games like/or with Blade of Honor, Fishing Simulator, ColdDeveloper, TheLegendOfPyro, and the current one my team is working on.

Would cars need to be made too?

Please add me on discord @ Umpire#8048

Can’t wait to get in contact!

Hey there i’m interested in the UI position. Contact me on discord, Skylexion#1457

You’re paid after the game is released. If you’re interested and this doesn’t work for you, we might be able to work out something else.

Nope! We have somebody working on cars already.

I was unable to add you on discord. Are you sure the one you provided me with is correct?

I added you.