Holiday Developer Game Jam Matchmaking Thread!

Hello! I’m Haley and looking for a team to work with. I’m a clothing designer, and builder, working on getting better each day. I currently have received lots of feedback on my clothing and some positive, and some with some helpful criticism. I hope to get better as each day progresses.

I have been clothing designing for about 2-3 months now, and I have been building for about 1-2 months now, so I’m still new, but I am a pretty fast learner, as long as I get the right instruction.

I can design pretty much any clothing except for some male clothing, suits, shoes (sadly), and jean texture. However, I am willing to try if I can get some help.

I also build on studio. I have made a post, but I do believe I am more capable of what I made so far. I just have to get in the right mindset with encouraging thoughts.

I am able to build pretty much anything, as long as I have reference photo’s and specific detail. I would work best with others.

Anyways, I will be more than happy to be in a team, but if you’re looking for professional, then best not choose me. I do put my best effort into all the clothing, and buildings I make. I prefer to do a few practice ones before actually starting.

I would also appreciate any tips on improving both my builds and clothing.

Here is the link to my portfolio for my clothing. I do not have the templates and these are the ones I received criticism on.

If you would like me to be a part of your team, then please message me here on Devforum. I do not have discord or any other socials. Thank you.


Hey there everyone, I’m good at terrain and lighting design. I currently do not use Discord.

My work:

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Advanced Scripter and UI person

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Ayo, I’m a programmer that can make anything from remotely making parts to making gun systems. I’m looking for 2 partners, I don’t have any examples for back up but we can just wing it. I’m not looking for anything serious, just to participate and have fun.

Things our team needs:

GFX Modeler
UI/UX Designer


Hi, my name is @TOP_Crundee123 and I have 999IQ, I specialize in specialization and specialization is what I specialize in, if you would like me in your group, you can contact me b̶y̶ ̶g̶i̶v̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶m̶e̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶a̶d̶dr̶e̶s̶s̶ via Devforum PM:
TOP_Crundee123 | Multi - Purpose Developer - Collaboration / Portfolios - Roblox Developer Forum


I’m Kironte, I am a well-experienced programmer and audio engineer who was just looking for a winter-themed project to work on.
No point in pouring details here as that’s what the portfolio is for:

Looking forward to teaming up with someone!


Hi everyone, i’m a fairly new builder thats looking to team up with anyone any everyone. Preferably looking for others that are not perfect at their skill, rather newer developers. Hopefully looking to find
3d modeler
Music composer
If interested please DM me on discord: Dusk#3953
I have a vague game idea!
I do not yet have a portfolio, so ill show in dms


Hey everyone! I am 15 and a builder at heart. I am very creative, and would like to lead a team. I specialize in SciFi, however, I can build almost any style and genre. I do not have a portfolio, but here are some references to my work.

Semi-Realistic Builds

Low-Poly (Not Finished)

Note: I do not have Discord.


Hey im a talented builder, and a decent scripter/ GUI designer! I would love to work with a talented team, here’s my portfolio ! [open] builder portfolio [for hire] - Collaboration / Portfolios - Roblox Developer Forum


Dear reader, I’m an experienced Lua programmer on roblox. Looking to work with intelligent & creative individuals.

My portfolio:
[OPEN] hunxrepair’s programming portfolio - Portfolios - Roblox Developer Forum


[ Portuguese Commentary ]
Alou, Meu Nick é Moleza, estou procurando Alguns Brs para se juntar e criar um Jogo baseado neste tema ( Invernal / Natalino )
Minhas habilidades são medianas, porém, eu tenho uma criatividade Ilimitável…
Por Exemplo:

Modelar/ Construir :
[ Resumo ]
Dependendo do que for, eu consigo fazer ( Obs: No Blender )

Criação de Lores / História
[ Se você me der um tema, por exemplo : Inverno, eu facilmente consigo criar uma História legal, eu passaria horas e horas pensando em uma boa Lore, cada detalhe, momento, ação, qual o propósito, onde começa, onde termina, objetivos, ambiente, Npcs, dentre muitos outros, tudo para mim importa, e isso eu linko com minhas outras idéias, e juntando tudo, aos poucos, eu começo a formar a História, e caso não queira a minha sugestão, me dê a SUA sugestão, e como você quer sua lore, eu poderia facilmente criar / Assimilar, entender pontos e linhas de seus pensamentos, mas você precisará ser um pouco claro e objetivo ]

Script : Razoável
[ O que eu consigo fazer ? ]
Conhecimento sobre essas coisas:
-ReplicatedFirst ( Sei o conceito, mas nunca usei )
-ReplicatedStorage ( Sei para que serve, e seu uso )
-ServerScriptService ( -Mesma Coisa )
Criar Functions ( Entendo, sei como utilizar, mas de forma ‘‘complexa’’ ainda não )
Utilizar Teleport Service ( Aprendi Ontem )
Datastore2 ( Conhecimento Médio sobre isso )
Particle Emitter ( Emissor de Partículas )
TweenService ( Entendo bem, Sei para que serve, assim como seu uso, e continuo aprendendo mais )
Animações NPC/Usuário ( sei fazer, pode levar um certo tempo, Mínimo 1~2 Horas uma animação decente, ) ( Eu demoro porque cada detalhe importa, e eu não faço animações ultimamente, por isso a demora…)
-Etc, tem muitas outras coisas que eu sei, mas no momento so deixo estas…

Tanto faz se você é: Expert, Médio ou Novato,
aqui tem lugar para todos, e estou procurando Brs amigáveis para Criar o Jogo, Relaxa, não pegamos pesado em nada, quanto mais juntarmos idéias e botarmos elas em prática, melhor-
-Caso não tenha muito tempo para criar algo ou fazer , não se preocupe, se enviar para o restante do grupo algumas sugestões ou idéias, nós poderiamos absorver essas idéias e verificar o que poderiamos fazer…
-É Anti-Social? Tem medo de errar? Acha que não sabe fazer nada e por isso não quer entrar no Grupo?
Não se preocupa não, tanto faz, estamos aqui para aprender oxe- só vem kk
Nosso foco é fazer algo legal, cujo tema é Natal -

Grupo atual : Moleza ( Eu ) – Moleza2 ( Meu Irmão ) – Só, Você poderia ser o próximo-

Sorry about this, Use a Translator on this text, there may be some problems, but this is fine- I hope Brazilians check out this commentary …


Hey everyone! Lets make a awesome game this year! Below are my skill sets:

  • User Interface
  • Terrain
  • Lighting

My portfolio:

Looking for both a builder and programmer.

Should be experienced, because this game is going to be awesome.

Interested? Reply below


Aye! I am a builder and a bit of a scripter Here is some of my works



I got a lot of stuff to show but i don’t want to waste time showing a lot of stuff but here you go

I’ve been building for 5 years and been scripting for 2 - 3 years

Discord: VirtuallyRBX#6443

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Hello everyone! I’m assembling a team to have some fun during this holiday game jam!

Heres my portfolio:

As of now, we have only 3 members including me.
DM me here on developer forums if you’re interested and I’ll add you :slight_smile:
Happy holidays!

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Hey, I’m scripter and I do a little of UI

Here's some of My works

s111111 - Roblox
Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe - Roblox

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Hey, I’m headr0ws I am a professional graphics designer for 5 years and a new builder, I would love to join a great hardworking team! Here are some examples. *Dm me on discord if you would like to work together: headr0ws#9999

Thank you :slight_smile:


Hiya guys I am an advanced scripter basic builder ui designer and can do some basic vfx looking for a teamm8

In team

Hello, I’m alphawolvess and I’m interested in a team seeking a programmer to assist with a game for this event :slight_smile: Please do note before reading more that I am a Computer Science student whose finals are taking place next week (around 12/7/2020!!) so availability is drastically cut for nearly two weeks. Due to this, I’m more interested in teams with a main programmer already :stuck_out_tongue:

If my time stipulation isn’t a worry, then thank you for reading on; I’ll list my capabilities now.

I have been on Roblox for over 8 years, I consider myself quite capable at programming, and average at building. I have recently learned blender, so given some time I can make simple meshes. I am capable of rigging and animating whatever is needed, although I don’t consider myself an animator. Due to my time on the platform, I can easily make UI from Roblox tools.

List of can do: Programming, Moderate Building, Basic 3D Meshes, Rigging, Simple Animations, Basic UI (basic in artistic design).
Biggest weakness is heavily mathematical programs. If you want footplanting, inverse kinematics, and portal-like-holes, then I wouldn’t waste your month asking me :stuck_out_tongue:


Hello fellow developers! I’m an artist, clothing designer, and a builder! Here’s a link to my portfolio, and a place that I built a few months ago!

My Twitter is @jlenflo and my Discord username is Jlenflo#3632. I hope you’ll let me into your team!

hi i saw your work will you like to join my team
dm me on disocrd GAMESFORDREAM#4045