How did you learn to code?

Hello everyone, I have been modelling for about 10 months now, and I want to widen my set of skills. So I come here to ask: how would I go about learning to code on ROBLOX? Thank you for your time.


I suggest the Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub it has all you need to learn about, or just watching Roblox youtube tutorials, I hope you take on to be a good scripter!


Well, if you are just beginning to code, Roblox Developer API reference is not the best place to learn, trust me. It would be so complex for beginners that you wouldn’t understand a single sentence! On the other hand, there is which helps a lot if you are just beginning to code. What if you are in the middle? DevForum (The page where you posted) is the bese place for the users who know all the basics that Roblox teaches. Finally, experiment! Yes, you need to experiment to remember it next time. For example, I learnt Enums just with the Roblox autofills.


Thank you for your reply, I am a complete beginner, and I want to learn the basics. Also, how do I use to help me code? Do I just ask questions on here?

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The way I learned is I took some free models from the toolbox, and learned how they worked. However, @Alvin_Blox Has lots of good tutorials on how to script (I obviously can’t show you all of them here, but I will show you a handful of his videos / playlists)

How to script on roblox for beginners:

Random roblox tutorials made by him:

Also… learning to script is… a broad topic, and really the best way to start learning to script / find a tutorial is to do a quick google search too find the thing your looking for :slight_smile: .


No, is just a reference to you. It already has a whole bunch of tutorials for beginners on various categories, but remember, it’s for absolute beginners. Then comes the API reference of Roblox, which is like other languages’ API references. Here, you can learn the functions, the returns and the properties of an object.

As I already told you, just experiment. If you are stuck at some point, first look it up in the API reference, and then look it up here (devforums).

There is a website I want to recommend to you:
It is a website like devforums where you can ask for help and help others.


Ok, one more thing, if I were to learn to code on ROBLOX, would this knowledge carry on to other game engines such as unity, and is ROBLOX lua similar to any coding language?

The way I learned things is, I watched other people doing it and break down their code. That’s how I understand what they were scripting and how things are connected. It starts with a lot of Tutorials, Google searches and stuff like that. But after some time you will see yourself scripting your own creations. The most important thing about that is, don’t loose interest in what you’re doing. If a script doesn’t work for the first time, don’t give up and search for a solution. You got a good Developer Forum here with a lot of people happy to help and never be to shy to ask for help. That shows that you want to learn and make progress with your skills. Good luck!


I would say a “No”.

It’s because each engine has its own chosen language. One language is different from the other. Some functions would be similar to each other, but it depends.

However, if you are speaking about logic like math and physics, yes, it won’t change.

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I initially got into coding by looking at YouTube tutorials, but after I got the gist of how the Lua syntax worked, I now use the Roblox Developer Hub most of the time to learn more about coding in Roblox.


So, I was pretty stupid when I began to learn to script. I began to learn basic scripting by picking random free models and trying to understand what they do, luckily alot of free models have little notes using “–” to explain how something works, those got me super basic skills, like understanding “wait(1)” and how and when you need to use () then I began using the CK+ Studio plugin, I highly reccomend it if you want to begin learning. I didn’t have enough time to always use it though, so I just wrote is stuff like “Game.Workspace” and read what came up and what it does. After learning to change basic properties I watched tutorials on how to change camera type, custom characters, kill bricks, etc. Now I’m at my current point 1.5k+ visits, so I’m proud of that. I feel like you would be a great scripter, not gonna lie.


I learned from @UseCode_Tap, and then after I got through his beginners tutorials, well I just worked on my projects and went through trial and error and ended up getting some knowledge. I am also still learning, I can’t do datastores, just basic stuff. I also watch tutorials. :grin:


This has been asked many, many, many times before so please search before you post:

You should read through the topics that I have linked as they almost all give very similar answers like look on YouTube for tutorials, look through free model code and look on the developers hub.

I self taught my self to code by looking through free models and using the developers hub to look up API references and tutorials.


One way is to start with some videos from YouTube. Now another good way(which I learned in school) is to take a test on what type of learner you are(visual, auditory, kinesthetic). Just google some learning style test and after you get the result, use it to help you learn. If your a visual or auditory learning, you might prefer watching and listening to videos on scripting. If you got kinesthetic, you should learn by actually trying out things and seeing what they do. You can always use something like DevHub to help you.


I’m still mostly learning but what made me have motivation and how I learned(and am learning) is by setting milestones and goals. For example, if you just learned about Vector3 and events then create an event where a part changes sizes when its touched or clicked. If you keep setting small milestones you’ll feel satisfaction at what you’re doing and you’ll know you understand the concepts because you’re applying it! Wish you luck and just a tip: expect failure, if you fail don’t quit because eventually you’ll get it!


I learnt to script basic things, like functions and looping, from the plugin called CK Studio+. I highly recommend it.


I made a topic similar to this one when I was first learning to code. I was suggested many resources that were very useful.

You can find that topic here:


Roblox lua is similar to this:


When you first start, you would start by learning all the basic of scripting. This can be done by watching youtube tutorials, or reading text based tutorials in the web. After learning that, it is all about practice. Of course there will be parts you have to search up to understand properly, but everything is about playing around and practicing.

When I first started programming, I was 10 years old and it wasn’t even on the roblox platform. I started learning HTML to build webpages, something I utilized in school projects. This made me learn alot and brought me into the developer community. After a while I started on roblox because Lua was more of a programming language rather than what HTML was.
Now after years of programming, I have learned so much and it was ALL about practicing.

Happy coding!


Can you help me out real quick?
So I have these 2 dice
When I run this both dice unanchor at the same time, when I go into output there are no errors, but the script doesn’t wait 0.5 seconds, I tried setting it to 5 and 10 seconds, same result, no errors in output.