Well, I was wondering how you send embed messages. Sincerely, in the webhook, I get an error code saying HTTP 404 Take a look at this code I’ve made for every player who join the server
local HttpServ = game:GetService('HttpService')
local url = "https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/***/****"
local data = {
["type"] = "rich",
["content"] = "Hi",
["tts"] = false,
["embed"] = {
["title"] = "Hello",
["description"] = "Hi"
local newdata = HttpServ:JSONEncode(data)
HttpServ:PostAsync(url, newdata)
How would you be able to send a HeadShot of the player in the embed thumbnail? It needs to be a link so using the :GetUserThumbnailAsync wouldn’t work.