I set the meshes to have a fabric material to mitigate the annoying reflectiveness as much as possible, but it’s no good. I need something that completely ignores lighting. Same for large flat planes like the ocean surface having no lighting.
ImageHandleAdornments are 3D world content that you can position at any location in the 3D space using their CFrame property, they have nothing to do with BillboardGuis.
If Roblox released a material like Neon, except it’s just “flat shading” and can have its lighting properties inhereted into meshes, I feel like lots of people would make great use out of that
you should be able to do this effect by manually setting the normals of the mesh to face upward. This will give it the same specular highlight as the flat plain underneath, as long as you don’t tilt the mesh’s rotation.
try this (for blender 2.8):
select every face in edit mode
head into mesh > normals > point to target
hit M to move the norrmals to mouse, then click anywhere to bring up the manual settings
check Align, set every target to 0
set either X, Y, or Z (depends on the initial rotation of the mesh) to like 1000, until the mesh looks “fullbright”
it helps if you have the setting to see normals represented as purple lines too, since you’ll know you did it right if all of the normals are facing straight up
if it works, might be worth trying to set just the normals of the edge of the mesh, that way the raised, foamy parts of the wave still have some highlights
Hey, pro-tip: read OP’s post a little more closely before trying to scrap together a quick reply. You clearly put in effort into your reply, creating an example place and then taking a screenshot of it, but if you had read the post, you would know that what you are addressing is not what OP is asking, saving you your time and effort.
are you running blender 2.8? I mention this because this feature is only available in 2.8 and up. this is what my window looks like.
if it was just that my explanation was unclear, here’s a video showcasing the feature. Blender 2.8 Normal Editing - YouTube