I made an inventory GUI so now i just need to make it save each player’s inventory when they get a new item.
if you can’t just save a straight table to datastore then how would you save an inventory with many items in it?
All help is appreciated.
You can save data in a table using GlobalDataStore:SetAsync(), not sure if I’m just interpreting the question wrong?
i was hearing that you can’t just save a table by itself but you need to do it in a different way
if you can just save a table to datastore then that would make it much easier to make an inventory.
You may have heard that you’d need to run HttpService:JSONEncode() on it to turn the table into a string but IIRC it is completely unnecessary as Roblox turns the table into a string with or without the JSONEncode function. Summed up it’s just repeating a function that Roblox is already running and a general waste of time.
tl;dr yes you can use :SetAsync() without doing anything to the table
You can save tables into data store my setting them to a specific key within the data store.
local Inventory = { -- Example Player Inventory
["Item"] = 101,
game:GetService("Players").PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(Player) -- Checking if player is leaving game
local Success, Error = pcall(function()
return game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("DATA_STORE_NAME_HERE"):SetAsync(Player.UserId.."Inventory", Inventory)
-- Setting the data for inventory for the player
if Error then
warn(Error) -- Showing there was error (Can also keep in log to fix)
This is an example version, I did real quick but the key aspects to see is that you are able to save tables as keys in a data store. In an optimal method, you should use :UdateAsync() to set the data instead of :SetAsync() in order to prevent some chances of data loss. Hope this helped
So could i save a :GetChildren() table to datastore?
becuase it would be easy to just save Inventory:GetChildren()
No because :GetChildren returns a table of objects within an instance. I suggest instead putting all the values with their names in a table and saving that table. So for example:
-- Inside the player removing
local InventorySaveTable = {}
for i, v in next, InventoryFolder:GetChildren() do
InventorySaveTable[v.Name] = v.Value -- Assuming all that you want to save are object values
-- Continue onto to saving the data
This is a simple concept of it but I hope you see what I am trying to relay.
How will I get async so it can be stored in a string value inside ServerStorage? I also want to set it from the same string value. I think I don’t know how to store tables in a string value and vice versa.
local rCodes = Instance.new("StringValue",playerData)
rCodes.Name = "RCodes"
rCodes.Value = "{}"
rCodes.Value = DataStores:GetAsync(player.UserId.."-RC") or "{}"
--This is my code. I don't know how to fix it, it crashes datastores without error.
How can I save this?
local Ranks = {
Owners = {
Owner = true;
CanBan = true;
CanKick = true;
CanUnBan = true;
PunishButtonVisible = true;
HeadAdmins = {
Owner = false;
CanBan = true;
CanKick = true;
CanUnBan = false;
PunishButtonVisible = true;
Admins = {
Owner = false;
CanBan = false;
CanKick = true;
CanUnBan = false;
PunishButtonVisible = true;
Mods = {
Owner = false;
CanBan = false;
CanKick = false;
CanUnBan = false;
PunishButtonVisible = false;
return Ranks
refrain from necro posting. But, something like this should work.
-- Variables
local DS = game:GetService('DataStoreService')
local playerData = DS:GetDataStore('playerData')
local Ranks = {...} -- Data
playerData:SetAsync(key, Ranks) -- replace key with player key (E.x player.UserId..'Rank')
-- Use these 2 lines when you want to save the Data. (E.x PlayerRemoving)
What is necro posting? Can you please explain that?
its when you go into really old (already solved) threads and post to bring it back to the public’s attention. Making a new thread with your question is a better alternative.
Well, I didn’t want to make a new thread because I didn’t want to make duplicate topics even though none of them answer my question it might be seen as a duplicate. Therefore, I posted my question here to avoid ending up with duplicate topics or topics similar. My question is similar but has a lot of differences.
Sorry to bump this again everyone, but how would I use GetAsync
to retrieve specific values?
My code:
local plrValues = {
["Checks"] = checks,
["Iron"] = iron,
["Silicon"] = silicon,
ds:SetAsync(player.UserId .. "PlrValues", plrValues)
local plrValues = ds:GetAsync(player.UserId .. "PlrValues")
Then what? How do a get a value out of the table?
local plrValues = ds:GetAsync(player.UserId, "PlrValues").Iron -- returns the Iron since the GetAsync returns the table you set previously
why is it necessary to do Http:JSONEncode ???
Now that I look back, it isn’t necessary or required. Not sure why I added that part. I’ll edit my previous post and correct my mistake.