How does my city look? / (Spring Update is Back)

Are the canons and that fort a part of a historical site? If they aren’t, I don’t find a need for them. Also, you could change the American flags with Roblox flags, the city is named “Bloxcity”, which would be a Roblox based map.

Overall, great work.

Good suggestion for the flag, by the way those of the canyons I already explained it in another publication

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i am speechless by this build mind telling me what programs you used for this epic build or was it just roblox studio?

Amazing work! I have 1 suggestion tho, can the water a little bit more transparent? It looks better that way.

Well, most of everything was in the Studio, but nevertheless there are things that I did in blender, but they are minimal

Actually all the time the water configuration was transparent
Like this image:

(The water looks transparency)

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:open_mouth: That is very good. would love to play it when it relaeses.

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Oh so graphics was just set to lower than 8 then?

No, the graphics are at the maximum in the case of water, but that may make the water look like this because of the distance from my camera and that of the water, however, it can also be due to the color of the terrain, like the water it’s blue but i’m not sure

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This is really good! The lightning and the quality of it is just really amazing.

Looking forward to seeing more and playing it in-game! :smile:

Also, how much time did it took you to build all of this if I may ask? and is this done by all studio parts? or did you use some blender with this?

This is really awesome, keep it up.

Most of it was done in Studio, but there are things made in Blender, also if you go a bit above this publication, you will find how long it took me

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Extra Update: Testing new types of sun position (Lighting)

they are still experimenting with more


This is an amazing city! It looks incredible and realistic! I would love to see this in real life if this was ever a real city. Keep up the good work!

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sorry for what i said earlier.

what do you mean? I’m confused, nvm I already remembered who you were

Front page material. Very nice and detailed.

are you sure this is roblox and not real life?

I had also asked myself the same questions a long time ago, but if it is Roblox

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Wow that’s a lot of building, it feels like you combined multiple tiny little details from other games and made them into one big piece of art, but I gotta say well done.