How Long Do We Have To Wait For The "User Is New To Group" Payout Blockade?

No, there isn’t. It would be helpful, though, if there was an easier and cheaper way to deposit funds into a group.


How long has this been a thing? I have been able to instantly transfer funds once they were verified for a while, and now I searched this up because it happened for the first time to me.


14 days source


Seriously, why do we need a wait-range for this? It’s completely useless and non beneficial.


This is utterly annoying and far from being a helpful feature. I just want to give some of my group funds to my nephew. Waiting two weeks is way too long!


I completely agree, this feature makes it really hard to hand out group payouts. This update is absolutely useless.


It actually takes 14 days + 12 hours roughly


In my experiences of transferring group funds to another, it takes around 10-15+ days. Which is a crazy amount of time to wait for that.

Roblox - you made a very stupid update and this really needs to be put back cause It’s very frustrating having to wait half a month to transfer Robux to another member.


Really not liking this update.
Learned about this after being hired to make 3D models for a group, and now after 2 weeks I’m still waiting. I’m unable to give them the models they asked for without the payment first. So for devs and commissioners, this update really is just wasting some people’s time and extends the time it takes to dev on games. Taking 30% of the earned robux, taking 3 to now 7 days for that robux to get out of pending, and now 2 weeks and, as some of you are saying, a month+ of just waiting for a user to be able to get paid or be paid?
Roblox, please lower the wait time, or at least a possible count down/timer?
It’s a bit frustrating for devs and commissioners because it extends the time it takes to finish a game or get more development done, and the extra wait time for the commission to be given.
Edit: It took 3 weeks of waiting. Wow.


Been waiting 14 days so far, still nothing, roblox seriously needs to fix this.


this is completely ridiculous, a member joined my group on the 16th of april, it is now the 29th of april for me and it still won’t let me pay her out, this is absurd and a dumb update.


The update (I assume) was to prevent 3rd party sites from selling robux for cheaper rates. Majority use group payouts as a way to instantly cash out robux. Update was for a good reason but the execution as always is poor lol.


Hahahaha exactly.

Why poison the entire apple tree because of a few bad apples?

Literally, black market users has to just wait 15 days and their problem is solved – they can go back to receiving their payouts through that market – yet the average user gets punished once again for the actions of others.


Same scenario plays out with the 10 RBX clothing upload fee. Really hurts small creators, just because a few bad apples poison the system.


Eh, either way the company roblox itself still makes a good amount of money regardless. There are more cons to this update than there are pros in my opinion


Wow just noticed this as well. A concerned player wanted a refund on a gamepass he bought because his little brother bought it. He had deleted the gamepass and joined my group so I can give him his robux back.This is absolutely ridiculous, as this player now needs to wait days for his robux to return to him when he does not have much to spend.


Props to you for being a good owner.


I don’t like this update, I heard it’s around 2 weeks. It’s really annoying that I have to wait that long.

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You know it would be really simple if they just added the pin number for every time you wanted to make a payout, with them trying to prevent hackers and stuff from taking your group funds it would solve all their problems and there would be no need to wait. Same with trading.


Still stuck with this update I see. I had to stop taking short term commissions now because of this, all Roblox is doing is hurting developers and giving itself a company model that is worse. It is just hurting the community, not only small developers, but it can impact bigger developers too. Having to wait 2 - 3 weeks to be able to get payed is horrible. I hope Roblox reverts this update and instead finds a better way to stop the botting of the payouts, this new way just isn’t it. I don’t know how much longer I can go without doing short term commissions as doing them was the best way I had to pay the developers of my game. Please Roblox, don’t do this to yourself, your community, your developers, your players, the building blocks of your company and growth is what you are hurting. Please stop, please get more opinions on these updates too, let us be the ones to decide on the updates that will primarily affect us, not some executives or consultants or some random YouTuber who has no knowledge of the realm of developers. Stop, just stop.