How to animate Tool Parts (Guns, Knifes etc.)

I found out that it was due to using the wrong rig type! Sorry for such a simple mistake but at least it might help others who have my problem if they don’t know about this.


Can you do a tutorial or help me on how your arm moves up and down whenever your mouse moves up and down?

Tsym I love this tutorial as it is explained very well and easy to understand! :smile:

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In your last video of the M16 being pointed at the mouse whilst in first person Im wondering which method did you use to execute that, I know how to do the rotation and such I just don’t know the best way to perform it such as changing C0/C1 on each of the Motor6ds


So thrilled to have run across this excellent tutorial. Thank you for taking the time to write it up. I’m working on a skateboarding game using animations instead of a traditional rolling board. I’ve been able to get it working very well, and have animated several tricks, but I have the board completely attached to one foot, so I’ve not been able to animate any tricks where the board separates from that one foot (kickflip for example). I think this is the solution!


This was super helpful!
The unidentified variables confused me for a moment but I manged to get this to work within a couple of minutes. I’ve always wanted to know how to do this, thanks man.

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It works but when i equip the tool, there’s a split second where tool is offsetted in it’s original position which makes it look unnatural.

You can see how there’s a slight delay in the motor being added, in that short amount of time, the tool is at its default position when i started animating it

This is how it looks like when i attached a Motor6D to the RightHand and connect it to the tool’s Grip. I didn’t rotate it or anything because if i did, i’d have to rotate it in the exact same position every time i want to animate

Also, i have all the animations done for it already and i can’t change its default position when animating or else all animations will change.

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Maybe it’s because the previous OnServerEvent was still on-going and it happens if you re-equip too fast. I’ll update the code sample to prevent that in the future if I have time.

You can also spend some time to make an equip animation!


I came up with a temporary fix which is to make the tool invisible for 0.1 second and set it back to visible. It seems somewhat impractical but it works for the time being.

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Whenever I connect the Motor6D to my BodyAttach, the gun flips upside down.

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I still have some things a bit off but otherwise looking good! I can use this for future reference now.


How are you animating the gun when Part0 for the Motor6D is attached to the torso? For me it’s easier to visually see what is happening when I have Part0 connected to the arm, but I found I am limited to what I can do.

How can I see the weapon move where I want it to when Part0 is the Torso? Am I supposed to guess?

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Actually, both torso and arm works. It really depends on what are you animating on. The benefit of using arms is you can animate arm movement / tool swings way easier, but just a reminder that: If your right arm moves, your tool moves.


@Headstackk if you’ve been then

I would like to learn how you make the weapons, if you script it I would like that more so then making the gun but either way I would like to see how you create and make them!

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How do I make the clip fall to the ground and disappear as the rig inserts a new clip?


i feel dumb but i dont know how to make a motor 6 d witch plugin is it

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Well, did you by any chance attach the part0 of the Motor6D to the hand?

Ive fixed it nevermind
(30 characters)

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Will this worked with moon studio animator plugin as well?

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I already know how to animate these, but how do I make it function as a tool?