How to blur an image

Is there a way to blur an image? And if there is how to do it?


Do a blur effect when you look at it.

Jokes aside, I don’t think that’s very possible as of now, unless you blur the image externally and save it, assuming you know what image you will use all the time.

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Are you sure that there is not another way?

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There is now with the EditableImage class. You’ll use AssetService:CreateEditableImageAsync to convert an existing image on the Roblox platform into one that can be manipulated. From here, use EditableImage:WritePixelsBuffer and EditableImage:ReadPixelsBuffer to implement a Gaussian blur or a simpler box blur

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Might sound stupid but make a blurry png and upload it as a image and position, size it so it fits your image?

i thought about it but it doesn’t work

It’s possible to achieve this using editable images. Basically you convert the image to an array of pixels, perform a matrix operation on said pixels(representing a blur effect) and then write the pixels back to the image. Here’s what I was able to find from people that have tried before you:

How do i do it?

local BlurModule = {};

local AssetService = game:GetService("AssetService");

function BlurModule.Blur(Image: Instance, BlurSize: number)
	if not (Image:IsA("ImageLabel") or Image:IsA("ImageButton")) then
		warn("Image is not a valid ImageLabel or ImageButton");
	BlurSize = BlurSize or 3;
	local success, EditableImage = pcall(function()
		return AssetService:CreateEditableImageAsync(Image.ImageContent);
	if not success then
		warn("Failed to create editable image: ", EditableImage);
	local Position =, Image.Position.Y.Offset);
	local Size =, Image.Size.Y.Offset);
	local ImageData = EditableImage:ReadPixelsBuffer(Position, Size);

return BlurModule;

Research how a box plur or a Gaussian blur is implemented. Study the EditableImage API to understand how the image is represented in the buffer, then apply your chosen modified algorithm to the buffer