How to change a players money in roblox studio

how to change a players money in Roblox studio
e.g what I mean is I want a GUI that when I type a players name in it and press submit you can change how much money you want them to have


A lot of ways, 1 you could just implement this in the Command Bar ingame:

game.Players.JadtrugamingYT1.Money.Value = 50

what i mean is i want a gui that when i type a players name in it and press submit you can change how much money you want them to have

In order to assist you, we first need information on how your data/values are handled such as where they are located, how they are normally changed, ect. This post is extremely vague and without the right information no one will be able to assist you.

EDIT: Also, please keep in mind this is a category for support, if you are just looking for someone to write code for you (Obviously there are cases where code samples/examples are merited) then this is not the place.


It’s pretty simple, if your saying inside studio then click the Server button on the topbar then go to the explorer, open leaderstats and change the value.

If your talking about scripts then put this inside your code:

local player = game.Players:FindFirstChild('username') -- replace username with the players username

if player then
player.leaderstats.Cash.Value = 500 -- replace 'Cash' with the currency name

(Note: If your using a LocalScript then you’ll need to use a RemoteEvent so the new currency amount can be shown to the server.)

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To answer your question here one way you can do this is have an Admin-Only GUI which is only replicated to those who have permission to it via a UserId or even Group Rank system in which you enter the players Username and the amount of money you wish into the GUI and the GUI fires a remote event to the server to check if that player exists, if the player exists it adds said amount of the money you wish to their data.


You can make it basic:

Local script inside StarterGui:

local Gui = script.Parent
local SumbitButton = Gui.SumbitButton
local PlayerTextBox = Gui.PlayerTextBox
local ValueTextBox = Gui.ValueTextBox
local RemoteEvent = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("RemoteEvent")

	if PlayerTextBox.Text ~= "" and ValueTextBox.Text ~= "" then
		RemoteEvent:FireServer(PlayerTextBox.Text, ValueTextBox.Text)

Server Script inside ServerScriptService:

local RemoteEvent = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("RemoteEvent")

	local PlayerGive = game:GetService("Players"):FindFirstChild(tostring(PlayerToGive))
	if PlayerGive then
		PlayerGive.leaderstats.Money.Value += tonumber(ValueToGive) --change the location if you want since we don't know how you have it organized
		return warn("Player does not exist")

ok thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuu I will try it out

Please make sure you added: 1. RemoteEvent with name RemoteEvent to ReplicatedStorage and also insert two TextBoxes one which will be representing player’s name and one which will be representing the value you want to give and also make TextButton/ImageButton with name SumbitButton so you will be able to run the code :).

Well I made typo on SumbitButton instead of Submit but never mind :D.

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I just realizated that it dosen’t work

This won’t work because if you change this by local script you are gonna change it only for the client not for server if you want to change something on server you need to use RemoteEvents/Functions.

Use sleitnick’s datastore editor

Lemme see,

–local script in the submit button

local button = script.Parent 
local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local event = replicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Event") --Here, Event is the name I gave my remote event. Create a remote event in replicated storage and put the name in the (" ")
local textBox = -- reference your text box here
local typedPlayer 
       if textBox.Text ~= "" then
       typedPlayer = textBox.Text
       print("no text")
        event:FireServer(textBox.Text) -- here we send the player name we typed

–Server script in the ServerScriptService

local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local event = replicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Event") --again, get the event name

event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, typedPlayer)

for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
         if string.lower(player.Name) == string.lower(typedPlayer) then
                   -- found a player
                   local plr = player
                   local currency = -- for example: plr.leaderstats.Cash
                   if currency then
                            currency.Value += 50 -- fifty is the amount of currency they receive 
              --nothing happens


If this does not work or is written incorrectly in any way please tell me. I do not want to give bad info. Also, if you want to have another textbox where you type in the amount a currency you wish to give them, i can edit my code.

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ok you could just change the leaderstat but keeping your values in leaderstats is bad idea as exploiters can go like: ‘oh let me change leaderstat to 10^3003’

so just make it so like there is text input and you type in player name and when you type in the value your variable is changed (which is tautology)
what even I am saying

You could have it in the same text box!

–local script in the submit button

local button = script.Parent 
local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local event = replicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Event") --Here, Event is the name I gave my remote event. Create a remote event in replicated storage and put the name in the (" ")
local textBox = -- reference your text box here
local typedText 
local plr
local value


       if textBox.Text ~= "" then
        typedText = textBox.Text
       local splitText = string.split(typedText, " ") -- for example: >> "John", "50".   Fifty is the amount of currency and John is the player

       plr = splitText[1]
       value = splitText[2]

       print("no text")
if value ~= nil and plr ~= nil then
        event:FireServer(plr, value) -- here we send the player and the value


–Server script in the ServerScriptService

local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local event = replicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Event") --again, get the event name

event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player,  playerToGiveCash, CashValue)

for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
         if string.lower(player.Name) == string.lower(playerToGiveCash) then
                   -- found a player
                   local plr = player
                   local currency = -- for example: plr.leaderstats.Cash
                   if currency and CashValue then
                            currency.Value += tonumber(CashValue) --CashValue is the amount of currency they receive 
              --nothing happens


Again, If this does not work or is written incorrectly in any way please tell me. I do not want to give bad info. Also, if you want to have another textbox where you type in the amount a currency you wish to give them, i can edit my code.

That’s why we use remote events, to prevent people from doing things like that. The server checks the values.


Look for the reply I posted. You can have it all in one textbox!

Just a reminder that this kind of stuff can be exploited sometimes (depends on your code) by using the remotes if your remote is being fired to the server.



-- gives the exploiter tons of cash


for i = 1, 1999 do

-- well for this method you can add a cooldown

Edit: Just realized that you could add a whitelist which would probally fix this problem with exploiting on the serverside script.

You could create a table full of players who can fire the event.
–local script in the submit button

local button = script.Parent 
local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local event = replicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Event") --Here, Event is the name I gave my remote event. Create a remote event in replicated storage and put the name in the (" ")
local textBox = -- reference your text box here
local typedText 
local plr
local value


       if textBox.Text ~= "" then
        typedText = textBox.Text
       local splitText = string.split(typedText, " ") -- for example: >> "John", "50".   Fifty is the amount of currency and John is the player

       plr = splitText[1]
       value = splitText[2]

       print("no text")
if value ~= nil and plr ~= nil then
        event:FireServer(plr, value) -- here we send the player and the value


–Server script in the ServerScriptService

local replicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local event = replicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Event") --again, get the event name

local playersWithAccess = {"John","bob"}

event.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player,  playerToGiveCash, CashValue)
if playersWithAccess[player] then 
for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
         if string.lower(player.Name) == string.lower(playerToGiveCash) then
                   -- found a player
                   local plr = player
                   local currency = -- for example: plr.leaderstats.Cash
                   if currency and CashValue then
                            currency.Value += tonumber(CashValue) --CashValue is the amount of currency they receive 
              --nothing happens

