I have a script that plays sounds on the server, and previously all my sounds were set to Inverse since it was the default. Over time, I’ve gotten tired of audios cutting off abruptly once you exit their MaxDistance. To combat this, I’ve tried setting sounds to either InverseTapered or Linear, but the behavior remains the same. (Yes, the sounds are in attachments and parts so they’re spatial)
Isn’t Linear supposed to do what the name suggests to the volume to distance ratio?
Yeah but it’s cutting off, it’s supposed to fade out as I slowly zoom my camera farther away from the sound but in 0.1 studs under the MaxDistance the sound is loud, then 0.1 studs over it it’s suddenly quiet.
Hmm, seems like a glitch but I would say your distance is too short. Make the max up to a few hundred studs, maybe there isn’t enough space to allow gradual volume reduction.
The world in my game is sized 2048 in every direction. It’s pretty small. Outside the world is galaxy, and there’s no sound in space so this isn’t an option. Plus, one of the sounds is machinery running which realistically wouldn’t reach very far out from the source.
If the RollOffDistance is too small or about as big as the Minimum, it will simply cut out when you move your camera too far. (Sound is based on where your camera is, not the Player in 3D spaces)
Roblox added Linear and LinearSquared to the RollOffModes, which work of RollOffs, so you can probably try that.
Not sure if it matters or not, but is the sound played on client or server?
I remember with the old system, if you played sounds on client it would be lacking certain things, such as a Doppler effect.
With your original Roll Off amount: Inverse would just cut off after moving the camera not that far away. InverseTapered seemed to “fix” the problem, but the Roll Off is much more agrresive due to the size, so it would cut off right when it would start fading.
Linear would slowly fade before cutting off. LinearSquare fades out faster.
With a bigger Roll Off, the audio just remains the same for a long distance, so if you are saying that it cut off at a shorter distance, then no.
But also, show video of this happening, because its pretty hard trying to help with something that we dont really know whats going on.