How to change your camera sensitivity to any value with the new menu

DISCLAIMER - This requires editing a local file, make sure to keep backups in case something goes wrong, also make sure that no instance of Roblox or Roblox Studio is running otherwise unintended behaviours may occur

Recently, Roblox changed the menu. As I’m sure you’re aware this new menu doesn’t allow you to set camera sensitivity to any decimal number

(This tutorial applies mainly for Windows because I don’t know where the Roblox folder is stored on Mac)

Have no fear, because you can use the local settings file to hard set it into your client.

  1. Locate your Roblox folder
    On Windows it’ll be: %LOCALAPPDATA%/Roblox
    On Mac: (i have no idea)

You can use the search bar in Windows to locate the folder immidiently

  1. Find the file named GlobalBasicSettings_13.xml and open it in a text editor
    (Examples: Notepad, Notepad++, VSCode)

  2. Locate the following settings:

  3. Change the number to whatever you would like your camera sensitivity to be
    (In this example, I’ll use .25)
    WARNING - This number must match between all values otherwise unexpected behaviour may occur

  4. Save and start a Roblox client to make sure it worked

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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