New In-Game Topbar

The Topbar isn’t just one distinct feature - it’s actually embedded within the wider menu design. Reverting to the old menu would involve changing all of that to two sets of code, and so would any future changes (which aren’t too infrequent to make it annoying enough for the developers behind it)


There’s a bug where if you set the “DevComputerMovementMode” property in StarterPlayer to “Scriptable”, the Movement Mode selection in the menu’s settings is “Label”.


Take note that the “0 sensitivity” setting is somewhat deceptive, as it still possesses a faster sensitivity than previously allowed inputs such as 0.065, 0.15, etc.

I just stumbled across a temporary fix for us users who use decimal inputs. (Quoting you guys if you haven’t seen this yet and would like to change it right now)

Basically, go into ROBLOX Studio, play-test your game, then open up the menu in there. If it’s not updated yet, you will be able to set any sensitivity as Studio still utilizes the old menu.

Once I did this, I was able to use any sensitivity when going back into a normal game with the updated UI. If you attempt to change it while in a normal place, it will continue to be glitchy, though, so you will unfortunately have to log back into Studio and go into a place every single time you would like to adjust it to such as value until they fix the new UI to allow for this.


I know I’m late but I haven’t played Roblox in a while…

This is the absolutely stupidest update ever. It ruins the entire aesthetic of games. It adds more unnecessary clicks to do simple things. Of my 10 years on Roblox this is my least favorite change.


Heres an model with the old topbar. it doesn’t include the emotes menu or the backpack but i am working on it

this model is based of the old core gui scripts.


Yes it’s possible to hard set it in Roblox, but it’s very hacky and requires using local files
The only settings file that I’ve found so far is this, which afaik is only for Studio’s settings window, hopefully there’s a file for Roblox’s game settings

Update: made a tutorial on how to hard set your camera sensitivity How to change your camera sensitivity to any value with the new menu


I personally don’t mind the new toolbar. I like the new style Roblox is trying to push out and would love to see where this goes. There is just a couple of things I don’t like about it…

The Roblox Logo

For starters, what is incredibly out of place is the Roblox logo itself. Unlike the rest of the icons that are currently used, the Roblox logo is the only one that does NOT have a flat shade to it as it currently resembles a gradient.

I personally don’t mind the new toolbar, but it would be nice if the Logo itself was changed to be more flat rather than with a gradient since that looks incredibly out of place. This will not only make it look more consistent but it will also help developers make their game looks way better if trying to implement the same style as the new top bar. Because currently we as developers have to compensate for this.

An example of this would be @XxRyanTGMxX implementation his/her design for UI but notice how it’s using flat shaded icons. These look great but on the one hand, the Roblox icon doesn’t really fit into place here.

Another example is @Chepe240 implementation on his/her UI design is again, trying to compensate the UI using flat styled or wire styled icons since they look better. The Roblox logo sticks out like a sore thumb.

What’s interesting is that the logo was originally flat shaded if you look back at the opening post.

Sure the original was big, but the change to from a flat shade to a gradient wasn’t needed. It was fine the way it was and still kept the consistency of the other icons that you made.

Spacing between CoreGUI elements

The other thing I do not like about the top bar is the shift from 36px. Although it seems to retain the 36px on the CoreGUI, the elements don’t fit. Look at the chat window, it currently is 4px from the top and then somehow cuts to 2px from the bottom towards the chat. This looks unprofessional and inconsistent.

To make things more weird, the leaderboard retains this consistency of 4px spacing from top and bottom that the chat does not.


There just seems to be a lot of inconsistencies throughout that need to be addressed. They look unprofessional and make it feel as if this new top bar was rushed. Not something you want not only your developers but players to feel when interacting with your GUI elements.

I won’t go into the menu since majority of the time, players will be interacting with the top bar or looking at the game with the top bar throughout their play time on a game.


Is there a way to change it back to the old version? I’m not fond of this new one.


I find the update absolutely garbage, it’s uh, very clunky at best. And It disrupts sometimes a VR experience because it gets drawn only in one eye. For the people that get annoyed because of the top bar and now are finnally happy, they didn’t take into account that they could just move 100 pixels more upwards and have 100 extra pixels of verical size, or just disable the top bar with game:GetService(“StarterGui”):SetCore(“TopbarEnabled”, false), in which has been for ages. (And it’s easily googleable.) Also, I’ve seen a new menu from the side when i’m sometimes in alternate acocunts, like a fully redesinged one, but I think that’s a glitch. Still looks good. I’d still like an option to have an old menu. As said, the keybinds view menu is amazing and intuitive, but it lacks that you can be able to set keybinds. Because I jump with Shift, not Space. Here are some screenshots I got, I found a glitch that with teleporting in between places gets you a new UI.

If you want I can give you the place where I found this discovery accidentally.


I don’t know if someone sees this, but the title from the game in the new menu said Game.

And the Developer console appears this warn.


I think something may be wrong with the game you were playing because when I play Jailbreak I don’t have an error in the console saying “unable to retrieve supported Roblox languages”


I’m not all for this update, for sure, but I will try to adapt with it and report back. There are many people who do not like this, I can say that.


I still haven’t got the new esc menu. Anyone know when it will be completely rolled out?


The update seems to be rolling out in a A/B testing style, like how premium was rolled out. Please be patient while Roblox rolls this out. They are likely doing a slow roll out because they want to test it more so there aren’t so many bugs.


Looking good, but rename “Leaderboard” and “Inventory” back to “Playerlist” and “Backpack”, and the Emotes icon should be this: EmotesIcon@2x


Why do I have New Topbar but old Menu


I can confirm. I have a nice rant from some people

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Its very clear and nice, good job!

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There are always people who don’t like change, no matter what the change is.

And whilst it’s not usually apt to ignore criticism, in this case I’m confident that the vast majority of those who don’t like this just don’t like change. The same thing happened back when they implemented this.

There are problems with it - the UX is a hot mess (with 3x the click depth it used to in some areas), but the Topbar isn’t the cause of that - the new side menu is.


Slight suggestion.

Since not everyone is fond of this new update, how about putting a vote/poll to see whether or not we, as a community, want this update or not.

(if there is one, I am not aware of it)