How to disable this warning/pop up window?

Question, when TeleportAsync() fails due to connection issues (not invalid id, not reserved server) only when flooded or connection issues, is this warning showing in client’s screen?

I caused this error on purpose (a third party teleport not allowed error) I dont know how to cause an error due to connection or flood. (This is for showing what kind of pop up could be in player’s screen)

  1. So, my question is, a similar notification is shown in client’s screen when a connection issue happens with teleport or not?
    Cause Im silently handling the teleportation fail with retries, and I dont want the player to know that an error occured and system is retrying…

  2. Is there a way to disable that warning for the client?


You have a backdoor in your game. Backdoors cause this.

Im asking if a similar warning will pop up in client’s screen when a Teleport attempt fails… And if it does, if theres a way to prevent client to see that warning, cause Im handling the Teleport retries silently

Make sure you are not testing this in Studio

And make sure Allow Third Party Teleport from the game you are trying too teleport is On

I think I should edit my post, cause my question is not understandable.

I dont have any problems with teleports, Im asking If a Teleport fails due to connection issues or flooding, will a similar warning like the picture, will be shown to player?, how can I avoid showing that warning to client?

To my knowledge, I do not know of any way to disable this error. I’ve seen games with teleport systems have failures without this but they may be using some custom service or https service.
Here are some posts I found.

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Thank you so much! Looks like the first post you referenced has no solution… u ,u
And ppl was thinking OP was talking about the error and not the pop up screen same as my post xD

The second one I found it a few hours ago, and @colbert2677 among others asked for that feature in Engine features, Roblox staff just answered that they gonna investigate, but nothing else, so I guess still no way to avoid that warning screen unless the ideas you provided, sadly I have no idea how that would work…

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Yeah, it’s a feature we really need. I’ll look around and see if I can find anything else.

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I totally agree, cause that warning could cause the player to close the game instead of waiting for the teleport, as colbert said, the “motivation aspect” gets affected…
Thank you so much for your effort

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It appears as though this feature is really sought after. The only way around it at this moment seems to be to tell players to click through it. While not ideal it is sadly the only option for now. On the bright side I don’t think the error will happen that often. As long as you don’t teleport too many players to one server it shouldn’t give you any flooding errors.

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I see, yup I was thinking the same, before perform the teleport call, tell the player that if a warning shows ignore it and wait for the TP… cool!..

Well, yup, maybe that error due to connection issues or flooding could not happen very ofter but… that takes me to a post I made yesterday about the same topic, could you answer this question:

If a server has room for 25 players, and everytime each player joins, almost inmediately tries to teleport, could that cause the TP service to flood? and the game is expecting to get high amount of players

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Honestly, without testing I am unsure. But if you use the service the way it is intended it shouldn’t overload.

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Waaa this is going to be a massive fail! :sob:

Yup, well, Im trying to use the service properly… but… How could I handle that the players wanna teleport massively after join the starting place… I could imagine an empty server starts, one player joins, and inmediately clicks button to teleport, another player joins the same, and in a matter of a few seconds, too many request to teleport will be handled, then flood, then failure! :joy:

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I’m really sorry I couldn’t find a solution but I think Roblox has systems in place to make sure it won’t overload.
One thing you could do is have the place that gets teleported to have its server size set as balanced. That way it won’t try to cram too many players into each server.

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I see what you mean.
Thats a good idea, the less players in server the less teleport requests I guess. And if balanced, players will be splitted in a healthy balance.
Thats a good idea handling the other side of the problem, thats helpful, thank you so much!
I’ll be thinking about this

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Glad I could help a little. If I find anything else I’ll send it here.

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Thank you! I would mark this as the best solution, but I will leave the post open to see what else happens :3

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uSe TeleportInitFailed and check the error results that are happening, Maybe its something different

local TeleportService =  game:GetService("TeleportService")

TeleportService.TeleportInitFailed:Connect(function(Player, Results)

What you mean? I dont have any issues with checking the results from the TeleportInitFailed.

I just wanna know how to remove the pop up screen that the players get when the teleport did fail

nvm i thought you want the players to teleport even after it fails

you cant remove th

Screenshot 2022-11-22 204455