I have currently got into the roblox API and its uses. For the past few days Ive been trying to find a good day to find a limited item’s BestPrice. I have found some resources such as this and this. But I havent been able to understand how each of them work.
In the post by @OptimisticSide , I seem to get an error which I have tried to troubleshoot but I seem to go nowhere.
Am I doing something wrong here, or am I missing something, or maybe is there any better way to find the BestPrice of an item? Any help would be appreciated here!
Could you show the script you are working on? seems that you got the data, I think its just that you are giving a nil value to the loop instead of a table, the rolimons warning its a table?
local Rolimons = require(5168671797)
local Item = Rolimons.Get("Item")
local Itmid = 48545806
function GetLimitedPrice(AssetId)
local item = Item.new(AssetId)
while true do
I dont understand why the module is not working, and its gonna take me long time to find the issue.
Instead of that, I prefered to create this code and finding the format function in the module, it works, it returns the table with the data, just grab the key you need, in this code Im printing whole table and warning the BestPrice in output:
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local URL = "https://www.rolimons.com/item/"
function Request(url)
return HttpService:RequestAsync({
Url = url;
Method = "GET";
function GetVariable(JavaScript: string, Variable: string): string
local Declaration = string.sub(JavaScript, string.find(JavaScript, Variable) + string.len(Variable))
Declaration = string.sub(Declaration, 1, string.find(Declaration, "\n"))
if string.find(Declaration, "=") then
Declaration = string.sub(Declaration, string.find(Declaration, "=") + 2, string.find(Declaration, ";") - 1)
return Declaration
local HttpResponse = Request(URL.."48545806") -- the item id
if HttpResponse.Success then
local Result = HttpResponse.Body
local RawData = HttpService:JSONDecode(GetVariable(Result, "item" .. "_details_data") or GetVariable(Result, "item" .. "_details"))
print(RawData) -- whole table
warn(RawData["best_price"]) -- the best price
My output:
The item in Roblox Catalog:
Its just a basic example, just edit it to fit your needs.
But, I dont see any issue with using HttpService and the code I did send. Works good, and seems like a good way to retrieve more data from Roblox website, which is not possible to access it from a Roblox game.
In that case, you you educate me a bit about your code and how it works because I havent worked with Http services that much, so that I am able to convert it into a function where when I pass on a variable I get the result returned.
A quick modification can be applied to be used as a function and get the best price, something like this:
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local URL = "https://www.rolimons.com/item/"
-- do the request
function Request(url)
return HttpService:RequestAsync({
Url = url;
Method = "GET";
-- Filter the response
function GetVariable(JavaScript: string, Variable: string): string
local Declaration = string.sub(JavaScript, string.find(JavaScript, Variable) + string.len(Variable))
Declaration = string.sub(Declaration, 1, string.find(Declaration, "\n"))
if string.find(Declaration, "=") then
Declaration = string.sub(Declaration, string.find(Declaration, "=") + 2, string.find(Declaration, ";") - 1)
return Declaration
-- handle the response
local function GetBestPrice(id)
local HttpResponse = Request(URL..tostring(id)) -- the item id
if HttpResponse.Success then
local Result = HttpResponse.Body
if HttpResponse.Body then
local RawData = HttpService:JSONDecode(GetVariable(Result, "item" .. "_details_data") or GetVariable(Result, "item" .. "_details"))
--print(RawData) -- whole table
--warn(RawData["best_price"]) -- the best price
return RawData["best_price"]
local anID = 000000000
while true do
local bestPrice = GetBestPrice(anID) -- ask the best price
warn(bestPrice) -- do what you want with the best price
Just call GetBestPrice(anID) whenever you want to get the best price at that moment. Change the ID from 00000 to the ID you want to check