How to make a free self-hosted Roblox proxy using Cloudflare • Roproxy alternative

I’ve seen a few “how to make your own proxies” posts but they all either:

  • require payment
  • are hosted in one location
  • have overcomplicated code

So, here’s an extremely simple one, using Cloudflare. Hosted globally for minimal latency and a free subdomain.

First, if you haven’t already, make a CF account for free on

Then, go to Workers when you’re done on the sidebar. Click the “New” button.

This is where it gets a little scary, so stay with me.

If you don’t have NPM/Node installed already, install them. If you don’t know how to, look it up.

Run the following:

npm create cloudflare

When prompted, type basicproxy.

Then, use the arrow keys to select “Template from a GitHub repo”. Paste in


Give it a minute to install. When done, hit “yes” both times:

When it asks you in your browser just click accept

Then it should deploy. Ignore the “ERROR” in the console.


Go back to your Cloudflare dashboard and click the newly created worker.

Go to Settings and click the “enable” button next to the domain.

And there you go! You now have your very own Roblox proxy for use in games. On your Free plan you should get up to 100K requests a day with blazing speeds.



I don’t understand, where do I have to write the code about npm node. Sorry I’m not experienced with java :confused:


No, you don’t. All you have to do is clone the repo and run the commands.


@pyxfluff i had a draft tutorial on cloudflare workers saved but you beat me to it ;‎)

anyway a slightly easier method of deploying for beginners is through the link:

obviously you’ll still have to sign up but might make the cmd line stuff easier!


@pyxfluff I’m getting an error on the last command step:

Error: Failed to clone remote template:

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I’m not sure - seems to work ok for me.

You don’t know what the problem could be?

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i’d make sure you have Git installed, that looks like a Git error (if GitHub isn’t blocked by your DNS/gateway)

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yuhhh no more error thanks bro

How would I go about making it so only I can use my proxy? So no one else can randomly guess it and access it?

That isn’t supported in this unless you mess with Cloudflare but I’m not sure sadly

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I suppose I could just obfuscate it. Thank you for your help and fast replies!

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Thanks for this tutorial! Your a life saver.
Question does cloudfare let you know how much of the 100k limit you use daily? And if it goes over you can just simply upgrade to a better plan right?

Yeah they offer upgrades iirc. I have Administer pointing to my own proxy and it’s only at 1.6k for today and 52k for the month, 100k is very generous for a Roblox proxy.

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Ok. Thanks for the clarification and for the quick response!

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One more question. This part seems to be the most vague in the tutorial. What exactly is NPM/Node and where can I install it?

Edit: Nvm I’ve found info on the cloudfare site.

Hey I’ve run into an issue after installing the proxy.
Once I had installed it I tested it in the console and after a few prints I started getting this error.
I wasn’t spamming it. After about 4 prints it gives me that error. I am currently working on this for a donation game that will be constantly making these requests so it’s not like I can just limit the amount of requests I make. Is there any way I can solve this? Thanks.

The proxy wouldn’t be doing that, it’s either a Cloudflare configuration issue or Roblox limiting the CF IP which is unlikely

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I did just paste the code directly instead of using the github repository. I’m unsure if that would effect anything. It works as intended and correctly gives the info before it errors so it’s not like I used the wrong link.

I read somewhere that roblox limits the requests on commercial IPs (like heroku and cloudfare) to only a few per second and that you need a rotating proxy to fix it but I don’t know how true this is if it works fine for you. I’ll try testing it with the default “Hello World” worker template to see if it gives me the too many requests error. If it does then I know its a cloudfare issue.

Just ran the test and can confirm it’s likely an issue with ROBLOX.
I didn’t get the error when spamming requests with the default worker template that just returns hello world.

You don’t experience this same issue at all?
This is what I was printing in the console to get the error:


(redacted the domain I used for obvious reasons.)

Also worth noting these tests are being run in studio and not in-game although I doubt the results would differ.

Edit: Also just tested in-game just to make sure its not a studio issue by printing through the F9 console and I get the same issue.