Hello developers,
In this tutorial ,you will learn how to make a licensed system like the Check me in system, where you buy a license which costs 5k to make the check me in work
This tutorials explains how to make a system like that
Choosing a way for making it
1.Module script
2.Google Spreedsheets
3. Making an api for it
This is in the difficulty of:
Very Hard
Now since module script method is the easiest, and most common way
I’ll tell how to make one system with that
Note: Updating the module script is manual work, and you cannot expect an automated
But you can get a message on Discord that someone purchased your license
Step 1: Making the purchase license gui
You could make any custom gui
I am gonna make one gui which looks discord
The gui does not matter, but you should make one purchase license button
I made this so far, I know it don’t look good, but you can make your own gui, and make the buttons
Make 2 dev products
Make the buttons prompt the dev product purchases/gamepass for license
Now you can either make a discord webhook with a proxy for messaging, like if the player buys the license, the server sends a message to your server
or you should check the purchases of your game manually, and then give them the access
Step 2: Giving access to the purchased users
Now you should probably know module scripts, as we are gonna use module script for this
So when your making your licensed thing, to check if player have license, you should
Name your module script MainModule
and save it to Roblox, and you do this
Why not write it there in the script, why in another module script?
Its simple, when you write in the script, the script can be edited by the developer, while if you use require, the script loads in testing mode or in playing mode only, so there is a less chance, player can edit it, also since the owner of the module is the license giver, only they can edit and save to roblox
So, there is a very less chance, developers can fake license
But note that, highly experienced scripters, can change the module and create a licensee and change the licensee to their module script, so you must accept the fact that, there is a chance that atleast one developer can use your model without license
Coming back to the module script
Also you can a thing, you can check if the player owns the gamepass, the license gamepass or you can also check using the table, but you have to manually enter userid in the table
local module = {}
local gamepassid = 000 -- optional, only if your using gamepasses for license
local mps = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local tableofplayerid = {129301,193201921} -- if anyone purchases license, add their user id here
function module:GetLicenseStatus(idofplr)
if table.find(tableofplayerid,idofplr) or mps:UserOwnsGamepassAsync(idofplr,gamepassid) == true then -- checks if player have the license
return module
Now the script, server side script:
local module = require(00000000)
if module:GetLicenseStatus(game.CreatorId) == "None" then -- if it returns "None" it means the player got no license
print("No license")
Now if you make a model of your check-in or something which needs license, do this to check if game owner got license
Step 3: Done
The tutorial is done, hope you like it, it works and I tested it too