How would i make my game playable in loot box banned areas

i made a minigames where after each game, if you win, you get 3 random crates, if you loose you just get 1 normal crate, you can open those crates to get a random gear (speed coil, green balloon, etc) that has a 1 time use you can use on any game, you can also sell and purchase the gears for credits, which is the games main currency, and you can buy crates (5, 50, 100 at a time) with robux, for loot box banned areas would i just not allow them to buy crates with robux???

You’ll want to use PolicyService:GetPolicyInfoForPlayerAsync() and check if that user has ArePaidRandomItemsRestricted equal to true. If it is, then it’s not allowed in their country.

alri so if its true i just wont allow them to purchase crates with robux like ill have it not show on there game at all, but they can still get the crates f2p??

Yes, this is only a limit on paid lootboxes. It would be difficult to limit all forms of lootboxes as random items are a common part of even “normal” games with no lootboxes.

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