HSRP | Handling Punishments

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Handling Punishments

:bulb: Giving correct and appropriate punishments to players who have violated our roleplay guidelines. Penalties include verbal warnings, warnings, kicks, bans, and pernament bans.

For more information on how you should log a player who has broken roleplay guidelines please check our guide on our Logging System.

:bulb: Players actions affect their punishment depending on the severity, for example we give verbal warnings for not having a non-realistic avatar, however warnings of a higher severity such as breaking the Roblox Terms of Service will result in immediate expulsion from our server.

Listed below is how severe the problem is and what penalty should be applied to the player if they have done one of these things;

  • :yellow_circle: Minor: A verbal warning should be given.
  • :orange_circle: Regular: A warning should be applied, and players who receive 3+ warnings are kicked out.
  • :red_circle: Major: An instant kick, without any warnings.
  • :black_circle: Severe: A ban should be issued without any warnings or kicks.

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: : Please note that verbal warnings depend on who you are dealing with. If it is a regular player or a Retired Staff member who decides to break a verbal warning, they should get a warning. This is because they have been with us for a while and know our terms and conditions.

:clipboard: We’ll list all the rules below in ascending order of severity: if a player violation is not listed here, it’s likely a verbal warning or a warning, it’s entirely up to you. Or alternatively you can also ask the other staff members on which of the actions would be considered reasonable.

:yellow_circle: Minor

  • Metagaming
  • Powergaming
  • Unrealistic avatar
  • Out of jurisdictions
  • Interrupting roleplay
  • SWAT without applying
  • Failed to roleplay value of life
  • Unrealistic driving
  • Shooting staff
  • EMS patrol
  • Fire patrol

:orange_circle: Regular

  • Cop baiting
  • Cuff rushing
  • Criminal baiting
  • Usage of exotics (Unless VIP or Admin+)
  • Failed to roleplay gun motions
  • Failed to roleplay new life rule
  • Failed to roleplay crashes
  • Random death match
  • Vehicle death match
  • Usage of staff livery
  • Staff evasion
  • SWAT patrol

:red_circle: Major

  • Using staff clothing when they are not a mod
  • Failure to comply with the Roblox Community Guidelines
  • Failure to comply with the ER:LC Community Guidelines
  • NSFW References
  • LTAP (Leaving to Avoid Punishment)

:black_circle: Severe

  • Repeated offenses
  • Engaging in play after a kick
  • Have a log of leaving to avoid punishment
  • Repeated warnings with no sign of improvement
  • Serious disregard for players or staff

:pushpin: LTAP is an abbreviation for ‘leaving to avoid punishment’. This penalty is used when players decide to leave the server for being Irresponsible for their acts here, they should be banned for a period of a week, it may also be depending on the severity of their past punishments.

:pushpin: The reason why shooting at staff members is considered a verbal warning is because a player may not be aware of the fact that we are staff members and may engage in roleplay with us. But if a player deliberately shoots staff members a warning should be issued. This can be applied to other staff related things.

:pushpin: Of course, bans can differ from player to player, as bans should only be given to players who are no more welcomed in Hamilton State Roleplay. This can be known by how genuine they are when being questioned as to whether or not a player should be banished.

:tada: Welcome to the end of this guide! We hope you have understood every subsection of this page and know what to do in certain situations. If you have any questions, please ask our staff members!