HTTP 403 (Forbidden)

Nothing is nil…


Click this bad boy at the top of Roblox Studio

Then enable this


Did you read my post? Both of those settings are enabled.


My bad, Is this issue occurring on any other places? or is it specific to this place

Edit: I am very tired, I just re-read your post again and it says that it is specific to this place


I was about to say… But yes, its specific to this place.


Is it possible that I could see the code?

Edit: Try restarting studio (Source: Datastore not working? - #3 by CaptinLetus)


Did you remember to combine your keys in DataStore2? Ordered datastores have pretty low limits on requests so if you have multiple keys that aren’t combined you can hit it pretty quickly. Check the api documentation


Possibly, did you try restarting Studio after changing the settings?

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Had this problem with DS2 a few days ago. Restarting studio fixed the problem

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I have restarted studio multiple times, it does not work.


If DataStore2 was the problem, then there’d be an error specific to DataStore2 or a different status code, not an HTTP 403. 403 means unauthorised access. Rate limits do not trigger a 403, not having Studio access on presents an entirely different error and Http services are not required to use DataStores.

Only thing left is where you’re working from. If you don’t own the place, you can’t use its DataStores.


I do, and I have access. Its a waiting period… Once I gave it a couple hours, it decided to work.

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I just had the same issue - I fixed it by setting the place access from private to public


Mine’s currently public, and I’m getting 2 assets showing up with HTTP 403 (Forbidden). Granted, both look like this:
Have they been moderated, or is something else going on?


They’ve been moderated, or you uploaded a picture of the “content deleted” decal. This is completely unrelated to the error the OP posted.

If you want to appeal the action, DM @Mod_Review_Requests.

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seams strange as anything related to the material carbon fibre is giving me this error

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But my place is public already how do I fix it


you cant fix it, its something that cannot be done in roblox studio but can be done in the game on roblox, its like roblox studio isnt made for certain things like reserving a server because why would roblox studio do it. only if you play the game (not on roblox studio)

Sorry but I did not understand anything what do you mean exactly

i think hes trying to explain that testing in game is better than roblox studio because it restricts : game teleporting , marketplace (kind of) and ect… so
hes just saying testing in public servers is better than testing in roblox studio engine

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