I can't choice the lighting [Part 4]

I created three lightning styles; which one is the best?




which is the best?
  • Lightning 1
  • Lightning 2
  • Lightning 3

0 voters

Comment down below what do you think

My Other Game: Take Care
My Group: Bad Dev Studios

All Parts
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3


2nd is best, because it has warm light from lanterns.
1st is mid, I’ll prefer mix of it and 2nd honestly.
3rd is worst and I won’t use it.

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I’d say 2, 3, 1 but they’re all good

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I find lighting number 3 to give a bit more cave-y look. Lighting 1 looks more realistic but doesn’t give a deep cave vibe. And lighting 2 just tells me there is lava nearby so it sucks.

I’d suggest a mix of number 1 and 2.


i mixed the two colors together and it made this

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It looks bad. I am sorry but that just looks horrific. Keep it at one color.

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and this

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It’s too greeny!!

Use this and just make it a bit blue.
Something like:

wait i just removed all the colors

maybe this is good?

No, try replicating what I did with a photo-editor.

that is my opinion (don’t take it seriously since I am not an artist and I didn’t go to a cave before)
num 1 : the lights are blurry and it makes me remember the view of cars lights in night for some reason
num 2 : feels warm and very good but to much light for 2 Lanters only
num 3 : looks most as a cave


i honestly think that’s (decent), I think you should turn down the brightness to 0 or 0.3 and add more atmosphere, turn down the saturation if needed

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i made a darker one

i think i will use this one

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The second one and this version looks much better imo.

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I like the 3rd one the most because it gives off a blue colour, which signifies coldness, and caves are cold.
The 2nd one is less realistic, because it gives off a warm tone, more like a comfortable place rather than a (abandoned) cave. Unless there is a fire inside the cave, I would choose the 3rd option.

2 for a panicked setting, 3 for normal. 1 looks like your starting at multiple suns in different offsetted spaces and just hurts to look at.

looks better but too warm I feel.

Depends on what you’re going for. 1 looks more modern/new than the others. 2 gives off more of a horror/mysterious vibe although I would make it a little more yellow than orange. Honestly 3 could be used for anything but it seems like something you’d find in some type of a tycoon game or something because the color.

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  • The second one is the best, as it gives out the best vibe possible and matches with the environment.
  • The third one was okay, it gives a chill vibe, but nothing other than that.
  • The first one was the worst of all, as the lights are blinding and you can’t see in the cave.
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No, not at all. It looks dull and I believe people won’t like it.