I created this Lobby system Gui for my new game; what do you think? [Part 2]

The Lobby system Gui

Test Video

Test Photo

Comment down below what do you think

My Other Game: Take Care
My Group: Bad Dev Studios

All Parts
Part 1




Looks pretty good. A few recommendations though.

  1. Lobbys → Lobbies
  2. There is a giant gap under the left frame, with nothing there.
  3. The middle frame’s lobby is very small, I can’t even see it. I can see it being that small if there were multiple lobbies running, but If there is only 1, It needs to be larger. It needs to change size depending on how many lobbies there are.
  4. The Red 5 looks kind of weird just sitting below the other options.
  5. The “Create Lobby” button, as well as the buttons on the left frame aren’t clearly buttons. What I mean is that there is no difference between that, and a TextLabel. I would assume the “Max players” and “Difficulty” aren’t buttons, but since all the labels and buttons are using the same font/ color/ whatever, I can see some players having trouble determining what is a button, and what is just a TextLabel.
  6. The left and right frames aren’t the same size.

Looks so super good but “lobbys” is spelled as Lobbies by the way

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  1. This lobby GUI looks so super good! (BTW; optional) Just wanted to inform you “lobbys” is spelled as “lobbies” by the way.

  2. You copied what the above reply said with less information; just giving feedback and no criticism whatsoever doesn’t help make it any better, like the post instead.

This applies to everyone in creations feedback who just says “this is good.”

If the feedback were to be “this is bad” you would get a feedback message from moderators for “Giving Non-Contributive Reply.” Read what above replies say and try to avoid giving the same feedback.

  1. Stop making accounts only to troll on devforum.
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Well I didn’t know I copied someone… I just wanted to say it looks really cool


My only complaint would be the animations.

Like the buttons getting bigger, the stroke changing on the button you hover over.

Im not sure how I would improve it, but I think it could use a rework none the less.
Other than that I think the padding could use some work. Lots of unused space.

The bottoms on the side could also use some work to make them look more like buttons you can press, cause originally I didnt think they were buttons. For instance all your other buttons have a stroke around them.

Along with the stroke for buttons, please use a consistent style! Some of the stroke is rounded boxes, which fits the rest of the style, we’ve then got the difficulty buttons which their outline should match the same style, along with the seed input which should also use boxy stroke.

Other than all of that, it looks pretty good! The glow effect is really nice! Cant wait to see what this becomes!

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thinks for the feedback

I am planning to post weekly so you can have a look

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Thanks for your feedback.

can’t believe I wrote lobbies incorrectly; it’s going to be difficult to fix it due to the glow effect.

That large gap is there because the GUI is not complete. I forgot to include that in my post.