I cant select parts on roblox studio

Hello, for some reason i cant select parts on roblox studio (only of the model of the map, for example if i put a new part in the workspace, i can select it).
Can someone please help me? And also when i drag a part into the model it doesnt detect the mode. Watch the video if you can’t unerstand what I’m saying.


Make sure these parts you’re trying to select aren’t locked.

If these parts have the “Locked” property checked then they cannot be selected like that. Instead you’d have to select them through the explorer to your right.


nope, not locked

That’s odd, hmm. Is the model grouped? If so, would you mind choosing the part from the explorer and take a screenshot of it among the other parts it is grouped with?

Or, use the explorer menu to check all the models you can’t seem to click on, and then use the properties tab to make sure none of them are locked. As there could be a transparent small handle/part that controls the whole thing.


I think that is a bug, you can report the bug to the Roblox staff.

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Interesting. It’s almost like it’s just not there.

Sounds like a bug to me.


the model has more than 1.000 parts


Yeah, roblox studio doesn’t detect it as a model in workspace probably

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One last attempt you could try is select everything in the world (ctrl + A) and unlock.
Otherwise could be a bug, hope you could figure it out soon though!


I come from the future to tell you it’s not been fixed yet: Roblox Studio does not let me select certain parts (april 2023 or something)


I have another speculation. This might be happening because you are using the beta feature for selection. Disable it.

This is because highlights have a max limit of 20.

I am hoping this will help other people.

Parts that are selectable in workspace must have the following:

  1. They must NOT be locked.
  2. The CollisionGroup they belongs to, must be set to can collide with “Default” layer. (This mean if you set the CollisionGroup to a custom layer, say “Nothing”, and “Nothing” can collide with “Default” is disabled, then you will be NOT able to select that part.

I am assuming that this odd behavior occurs because the studio raycast is set to filter to the Default layer, so if a part has CollisionGroup set to a layer that can’t collide with the Default layer, then your mouse clicks are gonna be filtered off and you simply cannot select that part in workspace.


Thank you this solved the issue I was having I would of never of guessed that.

bump, this could also be the case of the beta dragger, BUT it is also possible with the Team Create with Hats plugin, i wrote a post on it: Team Create with Hats - #63 by 20Fried_Bacons


The way I fixed this is I disabled all plugins and I seem to be able to select again.

All I had to do was change the CollisionGroup like @playzombiehell4 said above here, if anyone seeing this post is having the issue just follow what playzombie said and the issue should be fixed.