I guess this is a feedback thread now for my and Defaultio's new game

I had a few issues in my first game but it was fun.

  1. I had a teammate that insisted everything was done his way or he would delete it.
  2. I managed to get the team color selection window stuck open while in first person.
  3. I would delete stuff EVERY TIME I tried placing it. Left click as cancel is extremely un-intuitive.
  4. I love the concept and just thinking about the game makes me want to play it again.
  5. I couldn’t get a pump to place. It was super hard to line it up :frowning:

Keep up the good work!

Enjoyed the game. Just going to go ahead and say the satchel charges need to be nerfed.

The game freezes for me after ~30 min of playing, which is quite frustrating.

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Hello again, here is some more feedback:
-R15 limbs and weapons being cancollide true is the bane of this game. There is no end to the frustrations it causes.
-The submersible nerf seems to be pretty good
-I am glad you added the team-colored band to the cap
-There appears to be a mixture of SmoothPlastic and regular Plastic as the pipes material
-A number of fun and devious strategies can be employed because of the allowance to build on other teams’ pipes
-Fabricators are fabulous
-I don’t know if this was the case before, but I am glad that satchel charges stop counting if the placer dies
-There are periods where intense lag can cause artillery to be a suicide weapon, When the rounds slow down (for whatever reason), if you are rapidly firing then the rounds will collide with each other in close proximity to the gun and you will be killed in the double explosion. I suggest disallowing artillery rounds from exploding if they hit a round fired from the same gun.
-Turrets don’t face at enemies after a second or two of firing, preferring to face upwards and away, for some reason
-Tooltips get stuck in one place after you respawn:

This happened to me too. Was firing the artillery, selected the sniper and poof the entire world is sideways and about 3k studs away. Had to forfeit a 5 hour game :frowning:

lots of fun so far!!!
however, i’m experiencing like… extreme lag, i average around 10-20 fps (i have low-mid range hardware, radeon 280x and an amd fx 6300)

Crashed after 10 minutes in my previous game :frowning:
I think removing the Roblox water terrain would help a lot… we can’t swim in it anyway

A lot of people use the water to swim. Don’t remove the water.

I think lowering the damage rate would help easen the issues.

I think the issues stem from the clunky character. Being held up by your forearms on the lowest piece on the grid while your proximity to the water kills you is the most aggravating thing in the world. I think R15 is not yet developed enough to be used in games like this where precise character control is paramount.

When I die from the water, 90% of the time I die right next to a ladder, because the character decided it didn’t feel like getting on the ladder, or that it would cling to the edge of a block right above the water, with the kill field extending above the water’s surface enough to kill you as you hang there. When that happens,the only thing to do is panic and think, “why are my forearms and head capturing me on this brick,” and the natural reaction is press harder on the W key because that’s the way forwards to the ladder. Of course, from an objective point of view, the correct course of action is either to press the S key momentarily (bringing you away from your goal) or to rotate the camera view up so that the character leans back and disengages from the block (who expects a game to do that?).

Characters should not be able to get caught up on vertical surfaces like that.

I understand why you would want to remove terrain water, because I had a crappy computer and any time there was smooth terrain water, which doesn’t have a lower LOD *coughcough why* it would basically be a slideshow. What purpose would making the watter layer thinner serve?

More feedback:

  • Technical/performance:
    • Part updates seem very slow. I think this has to do with cluster updates that have been mentioned many times here. Are you changing the C0 or C1 of Weld objects a lot or something? If you ever change those, Motor6D should be used instead.
    • Some players get very low FPS. I played with someone who was getting 15 FPS on graphics level 2. He constantly complained about “lag”. Apparently his character moved in circles when he was lagging.
  • Gameplay
    • Still not enough players.
      • The game seems too slowly paced to split teams up so much. Maybe there should just be two?
      • As players leave the game dwindles to nothing. There needs to be a way to bring the player count in a server back up, I think. With only two teams, I imagine this would be easy.
      • I stop wanting to play when there’s no one else to see what I’ve made and no real battle to have.
    • The fabricator is excellent and makes base building a lot more fun and a lot less tedious.

This could probably be remedied by raising the destroy part level. As well as increasing the density of manmade parts, which float.

@Corecii How do you make bullets so pretty like that?

EDIT: there has GOT to be something going wrong for this to happen. My friend experienced it starting several days ago and I started experiencing it this morning. It’s unreasonable to think that a ping this high is a result of network problems, so what is causing it?
P.S. if the ping goes over 120% of the stated ping, the ping display should count in realtime how many ms it is taking to respond, or turn red.

EDIT2: I keep playing the same map over and over again. Is it generated every day? Imho it should be every two hours or something that it re-seeds.

My brother and I played this at the same time, same server, same internet service. Only real difference, is I’ve got a GTX1070 and he’s got a GTX 970. My ping was fine starting out on a server with 10-15 people, but his was into the thousands, until there were only 5 people left.


* Bullet level one
  * Two spaces between bullet levels
  * Another bullet on the same level
    * Bullet on the third level
        * Bullet on the fourth level


  • Bullet level one
    • Two spaces between bullet levels
    • Another bullet on the same level
      • Bullet on the third level
        • Bullet on the fourth level

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Needs a lot of optimizations, my system almost died completely.

The game is cool, but it somehow ended up eating almost 3 GB of my system memory and was maxing my CPU just trying to build things. It was running fine when I first spawned in, but after about 7 condensers, 2 fabricators, 3 large tanks, and a whole lot of piping later, my game was freezing every 30 seconds.

And then there’s the spinning when I’m trying to build…

But still, if you can make it run smoother/more efficiently and fix the spinning, it’s gonna be frickin’ sweet.

Since starting playing today (started ~1:45 PST), I’ve tried to join 3 rounds, but all 3 have generated the landscape and then stopped doing anything without spawning in anyone, including the round where you forced everyone to get in a shuttle. @Davidii

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A progress bar while loading would be very nice so we can know if the server is borked @Davidii

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Fixed loading issues.

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Fixing in what way? did you add a progress bar?