I made a glass destruction with Voronoi Diagram

Hello roblox developers!!!
As the title itself says, I managed after a lot of work, to make a glass destruction based on the Voronoi Diagram, but…

What is Voronoi Diagram?

The Voronoi Diagram is basically the division of a plane from some previously placed points.

There are several ways to do it, but to achieve it, I made a Delaunay Triangulation:

I then added the corners of the glass in this case and went from Delaunay to Voronoi:

And finally, with the ear clipping algorithm I triangulated the different polygons that came out:

The result was as follows: Brekable glass [Voronoi]
You can play with this system yourself in this place.
Thanks for reading and I hope you liked it!


Nice result man, thanks for linking my article :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Could you by any chance open source/uncopylock the “Breakable glass” place?