Currently, as of 7/27/22
, it appears images attached to bug reports are deleted after a month or two.
I recently edited one of my bug reports that I filed a couple months back, and the associated images were all deleted. The image URLs now resolve to 
This should be fixed as it deletes crucial information from bug reports!
I can repro by editing one of my old posts with images that are still broken.
Opening the empty images in a new tab show them to be transparent.png.
As a Roblox developer, it is currently too difficult to find tools in the the edit category in the Studio ribbon bar. Some of these buttons have the option to be used as a point-and-click tool, or to apply in one click to the entire selection, but all of them are inconsistent about where their controls are located, or if they even exist.
The Home tab and the Model tab show different versions of this control-set, where Home omits the Surface selector for some reason.
Home tab:
Model t…
This is still happening as of 9/18/23
. Now it’s happening to older announcement posts by Roblox!
Hello developers,
We are excited to introduce a new property ‘Workspace.Retargeting’ to enable opt-in support for animation retargeting.
With this feature, we aim to reduce the need for adjusting animations to fit different character rigs (currently supporting R15) with the vision that a single animation should by default, work well on characters of various proportions and rest poses.
For this rollout, we are starting small with enabling just a subset of our default animations (walk & run).
September 25, 2023, 4:50pm
Thanks for reporting this - this is a known issue where a small amount of old uploads were lost during a migration last year.
The only way for us to recover these uploads now is if the original poster still has the file and can reupload it.
However, rest assured that old uploads are not being automatically removed after a certain time period!
Is there any chance Roblox still has the files they uploaded to their old posts? If so, could they be fixed?
September 26, 2023, 11:58am
As mentioned:
For the specific announcement you linked above, the upload isn’t actually lost, it’s a different problem. We’ll look into that.
September 26, 2023, 12:35pm
Honestly I feel like the migration made images worse. Sometimes when uploading they just don’t have a preview at all
1 Like
September 26, 2023, 12:41pm
That doesn’t have anything to do with the migration. The migration was to fix broken images. Please file a separate thread about your issue.
September 26, 2023, 5:18pm
We’ve fixed the issue in the annoucement you linked.
Hi @LuaCow ! Super late response, apologies.
Are there measures in place now to ensure that data isn’t lost again in any future migrations? Preserving forum history is important for a lot of posts, as it can provide context for ongoing issues as well as a knowledgebase for past issues (bugs or otherwise). It would be kind of like if random tickets from my ticket system were deleted one day, would make it harder to get context.
October 24, 2023, 12:48pm
The videos in this post are broken again. Can you fix it?