[IMAGE HEAVY] Cannolies Bar & Grill Progress Thread

I’ve been working on this place since December. There’s a lot to see.


Opening sometime in April, maybe sooner.


Mind = blown


I’d love to see this in-game.

I do too but I can’t until I finish it…, I’ve been working on this since 8/11/2015, however the idea for it has been around since a few weeks after building Bloxstreet. This place is inspired by the activity at my friends Darknut’s place Der Nuttenburg Deutsch Pub. I’ve been putting a lot of effort into this place, its one of my most ambitious builds to this date. Not in size, but in ambient setting.

I have a real passion for places that have payed attention to ambient mood and details.

Now this is good use of materials

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I like it! Especially the rain. :grinning:


It looks good!

You should add some beer tap handles though. They don’t have to be actual beers for appropriateness but I feel like the bar looks a bit empty without them.

I’ll probably end up making some beer taps in the near future.

Store isn’t finish, working with a tailoring friend to finish the decorating the store. (I built it, its his job to add his clothing and hat re-textures and little things here and there to make it more custom for him, all while fitting within a 300 part count limit. c:

As some of you may have recognized this store, if you have played Mafia II then you would remember this store as the place to go to get free – I mean, to borrow – clothes while you’re on the run. You may also remember me building one of these in past as seen in this thread I decided to rebuild a few sections of the store to make them more up-to-date in detail with my place as well as fix a thousand unaligned edges and union some things up.

Next up: Build the Mafia II gun store ran by that old man who’s in every gun store.

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I love it. The bar is great and so is the atmosphere.

I wonder if you’ll get flak from Roblox for the alcohol/alcohol-themed items?

if I do, then ill just appease to their request to remove it (remove the labels and say everything is “Potato Juice” or “grape juice” and is aged and 100% all natural.)

Till then.

Beautiful. Do you have lag issues with builds this detailed? I built a detailed map once, and had to scrap right away because online it introduced WAY too lag into the game, now I keep maps as minimal as I can get away with, but I want to make more detail.

Looking really slick!

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Thanks, as for lag… Well I’ve been studying lag for a while, always try to isolate lag in my game to 1 of 3 catagorys:

  • Networking
  • Rendering
  • Script

5/7 times lag in my places come from CPU intensive scripts or poor latency. With the occasional GPU intensive script I write once and a while. But for this place, there isn’t much lag (for me at least) aside from the MASSIVE lag spike upon loading the place in studio, but that can be blamed on @ZakAttack’s material pack. (My studio takes longer to load images then unions for some reason)

Although my main concern for lag in this place is that someone with a lesser computer can experience is lag from the rain, it takes anywhere from 5-20% CPU, but you don’t notice any frames dropping if you have a decent to beefy PC. But then again I never cater to the low specs… Too limiting for my talents.

However I almost never experience lag in my detailed builds, with the exception of Bloxstreet the place that got me nominated for RBXDev in 2014. Bloxstreet has about 90k parts in it, very detailed and is before the dawn of CSG and is a true work of art at the time it was created. It has inspired several other builders such as:

  • JohnDrinkin
  • Legounvericerocks101
  • Darknut
  • SilvioAttano
  • Third448
    and a few others to attempt to create a place like Bloxstreet with their own unique elements. (IMO, Darknut made a better place then I did)

But to see Bloxstreet and see how laggy it is for yourself: Bloxstreet - Roblox

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Wow, that looks awesome!

The atmosphere is brilliant too!

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Also, incase any of you are wondering what the streetlamp’s light rays look like in-game, you can have a copy of them here Homemade BillboardGui - Roblox

I really love the atmosphere in the game. Keep up the good work!

Let me know once you finish it or are nearing completion, I’ll post it on RobloxBuilds for more publicity.

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I will! Thank you!

I really love the detail, great work!

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So I found an old thread from last year showing my old bar; Guest Family Lounge [Warning big pictures]

Which of the two look better in your honest opinions? The one in the link or the one shown in the OP?