Images constantly failing to load on the Roblox site

I today come to present an issue, that is not only happening to me, but several others. This issue is wide-spread between the Roblox site, and it has been occurring for a few days now. Throughout the Roblox site, images are failing to load. This includes profile pictures, decals, models, shirts, pants, and game icons. From what I’ve seen, the most common failure to occur is profile pictures, decals, and everything else listed. Game icons load often more successful than what listed, but the rest is quite annoying. This has put performance down, as this is causing it to be much harder to determine which is which. The Roblox site has also been substantially slower than usual, but not devastatingly slow. I am unsure where and how this issue is happening, but here are examples of it occurring.












This issue is occurring in-studio also.


Yes I noticed I’ve been getting the same thing, and it’s been starting to feel a little slow, joining games as well, something is up for sure.


I don’t know if this is related but just today have i started getting my output spammed with:

on top of that Ive been getting oddly slow team create load times.


I can confirm this too, I’ve seen this on the console a lot. I develop for games with several meshes, and sometimes the meshes don’t want to load. Team create has been a lot slower recently too.


This issue seems to also be occurring with 3D objects loading on the website. I can confirm the other issues as well.


The issue is also noticeable in-game. Such as Arsenal.

Images are completely missing due to broken endpoint(?), I think.


I can confirm this issue is also affecting studio icons in some cases.


Oh, I really thought I was the only one experiencing this and it was some weird network issue. Glad to see I’m not alone. This has bugging me a lot in Studio.

This seems to have been ongoing for a few weeks at least.


Recently, the new “rbxthumb” endpoint was released.
Maybe this could be the root of the problem for avatar images.

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A friend of mine and i have been encountering the same problem. It affects not only the website, but roblox studio aswell. I hope it’s gonna get fixed soon.

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I do too, this has throttled the work in my teams down a lot.

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This is honestly frustrating, we just encountered the Auto-complete issue that slowed considerably our work, and now the images failing to load aswell.

I really hope this is gonna get fixed as soon as possible, i’m really sure a lot of people are having a hard time working on studio at the moment.

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On the website, random images are giving back 404s or rare 500s / 502s / 504s, but if you refresh or visit the image URL it eventually fixes itself for that image (and appears permanent?)


I just tried this out and it actually did work when i clicked on a profile icon that didn’t appear in the first place. But this is still an issue in studio.

Yeah, I noticed that too but after some time, it breaks again, this does not fix in studio at all however, and required me a restart a few times to load a few images.

The console errors;

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I had this problem too and filed a bug report. At the time nobody else seemed to be experiencing the issue, but now I see it’s becoming more common. The solution to this thread might help some of you as this is how I fixed the bug.

Edit: In my case only studio was affected, so this may be a slightly different issue after all.

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I dont have issues with images but every group im trying isnt loading

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Replying to my previous post, this appears to have stopped? I don’t know if this is fixed, it appears as if others are still having troubles. Hope this gets resolved for everyone else soon.

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I’m still experiencing this issue along with other users in our game. Random sounds and images are just failing to load on random play sessions as well as actual (deprecated) LinkedSources sometimes randomly fail to load. Definitely some issues going on. Would like some sort of confirmation that this is a noticed problem they are investigating


I’m still experiencing this too, and a few other of my friends are. I hope this is fixed.

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