Immersive Ads are rolling out!

This is what you can expect right now, it better rise 20-30x in the future.


Radical! I think I’ll stick with premium payouts because these ad rates aren’t so good. Can’t wait for the simulator games to update with billboards on both sides of each stage of the ‘money funnel’ simulator design.


Services that were paying devs for ads were running without issue, paying marketplace-based rates to devs. This paid 10x what Roblox is offering.

Roblox then decided to try killing these companies by imposing the “you must upload the ads yourself” restriction.

Working with this restriction, these companies still were able to pay more than Roblox is offering because they weren’t being non-transparent about the cut they took - it was an open market.

Roblox then banned sending “data to 3rd party ad servers”, and our accounts got warnings immediately the same day - implying they built automated systems specifically to detect these competing ad services and shut them down (I would seriously hope not)

tl;dr It’s hard to see this rollout as anything but Roblox trying to take the cut of ad revenue that many devs were making before


Why do I find the concept of ads in my Backrooms game being funny for some reason? I mean, just imagine it: You’re walking around in a large maze, not knowing where you are when a billboard just pops up out of nowhere, advertising a random game. I think that would be the one move which could turn my game into a cash-grab.


Is anyone else finding their ads all using fallback images? Not sure if it’s an issue with my game not having access (even though I see the tab for it in the creator dashboard) or if there’s just not enough ads to go around right now.


Yeah, I find it concerning that Roblox shuts down the competitors in the name of safety and then launches their own version with significantly lower CPM. I also find it disturbing that Roblox has not provided any sort of revenue share info, for all we know they could be taking upwards of 90% of the profits.


I KNEW ROBLOX would be paying us to put up ads in our games. I’m still not going to do it unless the ROBUX I earn from this can be cashed out.


Exactly my issue with this whole thing that I brought up during the beta + the many announcements related to it, this is a clear attempt by Roblox to monopolize ads and lower developer income for no benefit other then their own, not exactly in the interest of the community…


I’m not sure if I missed it in the post, but who exactly are the advertisers right now? The post mentions that self service ads (I’m assuming similar to the current website ads) will be introduced in the future which implies that Roblox developers are not the advertisers at the moment. Does that mean outside companies are currently able to utilize this new feature and publish ads?

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I hope so that would be sick. But I don’t think it would happen as not much people who design image ads know how to model and it would be a pain for roblox to develop the illusion.

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I think immersive ads could actually work as additive content. I can imagine a Cyberpunk themed city where all of the ads are real ads. Although I agree with @metatablecatmaid about there needing to be a way to customize the fallback image or have a way to detect if an ad isn’t properly displayed in order to replace it with something else automatically.

Also, I’ll be honest, I don’t see how anyone would want to use the portal ads. It doesn’t matter how much more they pay, having your players leave your experience for another one is one of the worst things you can possibly do. Now if your experience is actually good and unique, perhaps it won’t be as big of a deal, but it can still completely ruin any sort of flow.


I dont think this is anything too damaging for the experiences or the platform, however seeing that the ad is just kinda there and doesnt disrupt gameplay, I say its alright. Even if the commissions arent that high, its still something for us.

Why is there a size limit to the Ad UI’s?

I can’t even size them up enough to fill my entire billboard model.


Wow! I can’t wait for my replica of Times Square to be filled with Immersive Ads. This is actually quite exciting! :grin:


This will be good for developers overall especially solo developers like myself. Yes ads are irritated sometimes, but allowing for another source of income for developers is a good thing especially as this will likely evolve. This also will likely help with the publishing process on Roblox. At least I hope it does.

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Given these numbers, I would be much more interested in advertising my game through this system rather than showing ads in my own game.

To that, I wish Roblox will give us the option to pick genre or specific games where we want to advertise, so we can better target players in the future, since the current sponsoring system is quite garbo. Roblox likes to advertise its low CPP for sponsors when in reality it’s much higher due to the bad targeting, resulting in a lot of players leaving the experience soon.


I don’t know why anyone supports this, ads will be a terrible addition to Roblox.


Because it’s another form of revenue, aside from selling things. Ad systems already existed in the past, but were shutdown by Roblox due to “lack of developer control”, and is now being replaced by Roblox’s own implementation. This is definitely a positive thing. These ads are non-intrusive and aren’t even clickable (for some reason).

It’s not as though this is creating a system to watch an ad every 15 seconds like in mobile games. If a developer does create a system like that, the only person to blame is that developer. These ads are entirely opt-in for the developer and are implemented only as the developer decides.


Do portal ads pay mroe than image ads?

Also is enabling/disabling image ads with LocalScripts allowed? And do they have to be enabled by default for everyone?

Also if this is disabled for users under 13. Is it allowed to display something else at the spot of the ad then?

How exactly is eligibility decided? My games has 3.5k MAU and has completed the Experience Questionnaire, so I assumed it would be able to meet all the requirements. However I am really excited to test and use this update whenever it gets rolled out to more people. :slight_smile:

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