Immersive Ads are rolling out!

forgotten like many other updates it seems…


How do you know if you’re able to earn something off these ads, I mean, what exactly are the requirements precisely?

Are there any ways that we can apply for activating the ads? Whenever Roblox “rolls out” a new feature I and many others tend to not get anything.


Good Question that’s what I am wondering myself.

This system seems very cool and incredibly intuitive to use, but, can you please provide some hard specifics on what exactly these criteria are?

I have a game with a lot of verticality - I think it’d be cool to have an airplane flying with an ad as a banner trailing behind it. I’ve already got a plane doing similar, with a message encouraging players to like the game that is 100% visible, so I’m sure any ads I place on these would get viewed & be perfectly legible, likely within the size limit comfortably.

…What I don’t know, however, is exactly if these ads would show or not. Being in the air, they’d be skirting the upper end of the size spectrum, and likely viewed at a moderate distance. I’d assume a lot of players are using these as billboards, like classic real-world billboards, so I am assuming roblox has some allowance for distances, but without knowing them it could be tedious trial-and-erroring exactly how close, and exactly what angle, my aeroplane might need to be.

Ideally this information would be on the API. I do not see this as in Roblox’s best interest to keep a secret, as an ad that isn’t within this criteria is not a profitable ad - for both the developer, and roblox.

edit: There’s also a telescope tool that would definitely give players a real nice look at an ad should they use it, but it relies on FoV manipulation to get a zoom in effect. FoV seems like the type of thing that should be considered when Roblox is determining if someone is viewing an ad, if it isn’t already.


This strategy will be distinctive because ads will have more engagement and make games look more lifelike, although if it is in, for example, a racing experience, it will be hard to view that kind of ad. And I hold a concept that is to give creators earnings for the number of ads displayed in the game.


Hey Everyone,

We have a few updates to share:

1. Ad Units now have an Attribute for a custom Fallback Image

This allows you to set a custom fallback instead of the tilted Roblox logo when there are no ads being served. If you have an Image or Portal Package, simply update the package and the “FallbackImage” attribute will show up.

2. Ad Unit names are now reflected in Publisher Reporting in the Creator Dashboard

The instance or package name for ad units in Studio is used in the Immersive Ads reporting on the Creator Dashboard. You can view a detailed breakdown of impressions, teleports, and estimated earnings per ad unit to better understand the performance of each.


Nice update! I do have a question though, when will we all have access to immersive ads? I have been waiting ever since they have been announced.


It’s rolling out, all games will have it eventually.
It doesn’t depend on visits or anything just some users get it before others.


The Immersive Ads option appeared on one of my game’s creator dashboard a couple of days ago however the ads are only showing the default Roblox logo, and I have had 0 impressions?

Does anyone know how long it takes for ads to start feeding in to my game?


It doesn’t seem like any of them are active at the moment, so we’ll probably have to wait until mid-2023 for Roblox to enable them for everyone.


That simplifies to 1/1 sooooooooooooooooooooo


nah simply 1 is better then. (1=1/1=10/10=etc.)

By the way I’m curious if there would be HUD-Compactible UI clickable ads, they need much less headache with payout calculations.


Can u get payment with the ads putting on the buses spawned out tho? I’m also planning to put some on my buses.


This is a amazing update Roblox, alot of big developers will be using this :smiley:


I think it’s a matter of waiting for roblox to get more advertisers interested. I put immersive ads in, and a little over a million visits later removed it. In total I made 98 robux



When this announcement was made, my experience was “eligible” and I saw the Immersive Ads section without any issues. However, on June 7th, the Immersive Ads section magically disappeared from my experience’s analytics and never returned even after two days:


Did something change in regards to which experiences are eligible? The only thing I can think of that might have affected this is that I refilled out the questionnaire for the experience just to make sure everything was up to date (but nothing had changed).


This update has now been out for over two months, when exactly does Roblox intend on having some actual ad inventory for these units to serve?

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I’m a Roblox Beta tester (since 2021) so why do I not have access to this feature, I understand it’s rolling out slowly but its been 2 months.

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Will a ScreenGui or gui Frame version of this be added? I believe wholeheartedly that having 2D ads is a great option for developers.

  1. Having a 2D version of ads serve a much wider audience. The 3D versions of are actually more pivoted to working with social hangout games, or games that don’t require a ton of action. As an example 3D ads work great for a game like Pls Donate. However many games, like shooters, are constantly right in the middle of the action most of the gameplay time. Most people won’t pay attention to an ad set in the 3D world during an obby speedrun. Some of these games do have 3D lobbies, however much less time is spent there, and most of these times the ads are in the background. Developers can end up trying to make their lobbies revolve around the ad instead of the ad revolving around the lobby. This isn’t a problem in with 2D ads as they can really go anywhere on the screen.

  2. Despite the name, unless the game is a sci-fi or modern day genre, 3D immersive ads lessen players immersion into a game. If I was running a western style game open world game, would I want to have an ad screen in the tavern? No, it wouldn’t fit the rustic and western feeling. Would I be much more comfortable if a small ad was placed in a gui next to 3 of my gun gamepass guis? Absolutely, and I am sure many others would be too. Keeping the ad in the 2D space makes the 3D space seem more realistic. The point of many games to give players a feeling and a sense that they are actually there in the world as their character. Having a 3D ad screen in some of these experiences can negatively impact them. I believe 2D ads are the solution.

  3. The potential to reach audiences with a 2D ad is much greater. With 3D ads I would need to try to make sure I position each ad in a way that makes it easier for players to see, or potentially teleport through. With 2D ads I can have it show up any time whenever I need. For instance, if I was working on a shooter, a great time to show an ad in the corner is when players are configuring their loadout. Another option could be to show an ad for 10 seconds during a death timer before a player respawns. The possibilities are pretty much limitless. Not even the app store would have as much versatility as roblox developers might have if you are to implement 2D ads.

@darkmodeonn This question is specifically for you. Do you think that many games would benefit from 2D ads as a better way to grab users attention?